Headcanons #4

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oh boy haven't done this in a while


Dream is the kinkier one.

Just,,, just trust me on this


(This is a pre-relationship headcanon)

Nightmare gets very overprotective (borderline obsessive) of Dream when he fights other villains.

More often than not, he'll do something so extravagant, so despicable, so utterly vile, that Dream will have no choice but to swoop in and stop him.

That's when he reminds Dream who is truly his foil.


Nightmare likes to watch Dream workout.


Dream's main love language is words of affirmation while Nightmare's is physical touch.


Nightmare has a collection of rocks, leaves, sticks, little trinkets, etc. that Dream has brought him.

He doesn't know why Dream brings him these things, but he doesn't mind.


Before the apple incident, Dream and Nightmare used to bathe/swim together in a river that was by the tree.

They still do.



Soulmate AU

When Nightmare and Dream got the names of their soulmate on their wrist, they were ecstatic that they had their names written on each other's wrists.

But, when the apple-fallout happened, Dream started to use makeup to cover Nightmare's name.

Nightmare never did something like that, but he did feel a pang of regret, anger, love, and every uncomfortable, conflicting feeling he ever had about Dream.


Not directly related to Dreammare but, I still think it's cool.

Sometimes, Nightmare yoinks Dream's blue twink boy, just to drink tea and talk about all the stupid shit Dream has done recently.

Bonus: Nightmare starts to tell Blue about how he feels about Dream and how conflicted he is about the whole situation and Blue is just, "dude that sounds like you're in denial about bringing love with him" and Nightmare's just "what"


now your writing prompts

hand em over

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