omg,,,, they kiss,,,,,,,,

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Kisses weren't the most gentle between them. They were made for each other in the most literal sense possible. They were created as a pair, two halves of one whole. There wasn't a world where they could exist without each other.

Soulmate wasn't a good enough term. Despite their past, their hatred, their love, and the betrayal they both felt at each other, they couldn't let go. Their worlds revolved around each other.

Every thought, every action, every heartbeat, everything was bound to the other. Subconsciously or not, everything they did brought them back together.

So when everything was over, when they finally were able to be together again, the desperation and intensity behind their kisses weren't a surprise.

Nightmare wasn't the type to initiate contact. Especially in the presence of others. He preferred to have the more...intimate moments between them to be private. Locked away and secure. There was nothing more that he wanted than to have all his attention on their moments. He couldn't do that if others were around.

As usual, Dream was the opposite. Dream threw himself at Nightmare every chance he got. Sloppily slamming their lips together, clawing at Nightmare's back, gripping onto Nightmare's face like his life depended on it.

It made for some awkward moments, especially when Dream decided to make out with him during movie nights, or mid-meal.

Nightmare didn't particularly mind this though, since it allowed him to straddle Dream on his lap. Which was one of many things he enjoyed doing to Dream.

No matter the day, the time, or whatever Nightmare was doing, Dream always found a way to unite their lips.

The faint tapping of Dream's quick footsteps echoed through the castle. The moment it ceased and Dream flung himself, Nightmare spun around and caught him.

Just as he always did. Dream kissed him, hard and intense. And he kissed back, just as passionately.


This was just a silly short think I wrote in one sitting idk

sighs. I don't like how short it is but I'm too tired to right anything more right now.

Do you guys prefer my sane or unhinged titles more btw


363 Words

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