baby's first smut fic {NSFW}

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yes you are reading the title correctly this is a smut fic

I've actually never written a smut fic before so I hope it's ok <3

enjoy...I'll write more in the future if ppl like it

human AU (per usual)

CW/TW - Anal penetration, explicit sex, idk man


Dream knew what Nightmare wanted.

How could he not?

Being so attuned to positive feelings had its ups and downs. A down being the absence of them tended to be very draining. He never expected people to be happy all the time, but when Nightmare would attack a universe and left it desolate and hopeless?

It was tiring. It almost felt futile to help ease the pain. But it was his job, and he had to push through.

It wasn't all terrible though. When his friends were happy, he could tell within a heartbeat, and it often made him happy as well. Blue loved to share his joy, so when Dream knew he was happy, he also knew that Blue was going to show him something.

That was always wonderful.

And when his boyfriend was horny? Oh man, could Dream tell.

At the moment, Dream was in the bed that they shared. He was facing away from the door, a pillow under his chest. He had changed his clothing, where once was a pair of black jeans was now a set of latex shorts.

Latex was nice, if a bit restrictive. Not like it mattered though, Nightmare would take them off in due time. He had looked at himself in the mirror briefly and his ass was really fucking prominent.

And if there was one thing he knew about Nightmare, it was that he loved ass.

What else he had on was irrelevant, he knew that Nightmare wouldn't bother to focus on anything else. He would be unable to focus on anything else.

All that was left to do was to wait. It wouldn't take very long, since the sun was heading down and the mortals that lived in the castle had begun to wind down.

He wrapped his arms around the pillow in front of him, squeezing it hard. It was impossible to tell what sort of night Nightmare would want to have.

Perhaps Nightmare would want something rough tonight, which he often did. Dream shivered, memories of hours of edging and tentacles wrapped around his limbs writhed up into his mind.

A groan escaped his lips and he shoved his face into the pillow. Blush coating his cheeks.

Maybe it was the once in the blue moon that Nightmare allowed himself to submit to Dream. When Nightmare puts aside his superiority complex and Dream can take him apart, instead of the other way around, was perfection.

Although Nightmare had been in a funk as of late, so it was unlikely. Not like Dream minded. The feeling of being used and fucked helpless was not something that went away easily. And it always felt so good.

Setting his phone aside, he bit onto the pillow he was laying on. How much longer was Nightmare going to take?! He already felt hot and bothered. All by thinking about what Nightmare was going to do him. It was driving him crazy!

Mostly he was excited for the game they got to play. If Nightmare wanted him to submit, then he would have to work for it. Dream wouldn't describe himself as a brat per se, although Nightmare probably would.

They would fight against each other. Fighting to make the other submit. Sometimes it was simple, just the question of, "Would you like to top tonight?" And others ended with them wrestling and having rough sex on the floor. His feet began to kick back and forth as he thought about it.

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