Simple {Dreamswap}

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I need to write abt Dreamswap (by Onebizarrekai) more fr fr

Not sure how I feel abt this one tbh! Let me know if y'all like it.

They r humans (any dreamswap fic will have them be humans)


"I don't think you understand how difficult doing this is for me."

Nightmare stood, mouth agape.

"Everything about this is, wrong. And yet I do it anyway and, and it complicates everything!" Dream puts his face in his hands, his voice trapped between a sob and a shout.

"Where has all of my judgment gone?"

Nightmare was stunned and felt like throwing himself out of the window at Dream's sheer audacity. He huffed aggressively and walked over to Dream's desk, he slammed his hands down on it.

"I am not going to sit here and listen to you lamenting about our relationship and a problem you started."

It was as if Dream had just realized Nightmare was in the room. He was startled slightly but regained his composure within a matter of moments. He crosses his arms, still leaning over his desk. He tapped the wood of the desk with his finger.

"I," he cleared his throat, "I apologize Nightmare. You have to understand, this relationship we have is complex and if any word got out it would be disastrous to my reputation and my company. It's not your fault, of course, howeve-"

"Yeah, I know. There is no world where I am at fault for your stupid ass creating JR and making my existence illegal."

"Is this necessary? We've had this conversation at least fifteen times already and-" Dream attempted to say, rubbing his forehead in a slight annoyance.

"AND I'm not going to stand here as you spout bullshit about us."

"I WOULD APPRECIATE IT," Dream raised his voice to mock Nightmare's interruption. "If you wouldn't interrupt me."

There was a pause as if Dream was waiting to be interrupted again. Nightmare just raised his eyebrows, waiting for Dream to continue.

"And I am not spouting anything. What we have is complex, there is no going around that, Nightmare."

"No, it's bullshit."

"Watch your language in my office.

"FUCK YOU!" Nightmare shouted and grabbed Dream's hands. He intertwined their fingers and Nightmare pushed his forehead against Dream's.

"What we have is not complex. Me, you, us? Together? We aren't complicated. What's complicated is your dumb ass creating a company specifically to imprison me! That's complicated, and frankly stupid."

"Can you get to the point?"

With his hands in his hair, Nightmare hung his head down and groaned. "Me and you, together, we aren't complex. We are simple and we make sense. I love you, and you love me."

Nightmare took Dream's hand and put it up to his face. "I think that's all we need to understand."

"Awh, Nightmare-"

"You can have your panic attack about your own bad decisions later."

"It was about to be poetic and sweet. Why do you ruin things like that?"

"Because I hate you."

"Hm. I disagree."


"Yeah..." Dream murmured before lifting Nightmare's chin and gently connecting their lips. Nightmare leaned into it, having to almost climb over the desk to stay stable.

Nightmare's nails dug into the wood of the desk as he pushed himself closer. The position was uncomfortable, and he really couldn't start making out or pushing the kiss further.

Especially not with Dream's hand holding his jaw in place. Dream's hands were almost the size of his face. He always forgot how small he felt next to Dream unless they were this close.

Much to Nightmare's annoyance, Dream pulled away. But the phantom feeling of his warm lips still lingered.

"You need to get going. Before someone catches you."

Nightmare grimaced.

"I know you don't want to, but there's only so much camera footage that can be "corrupted" before it becomes suspicious."

"Oh, now that's even more bullshit. You're literally the big boss! You can do whatever the fuck you want!"

"Watch your language. And yes, while I may be the "big boss" I still need to be trustworthy. If I was a tyrant then it wouldn't matter that we are, dating, but I am not."

"You like to think so."

"Nightmare. You need to leave before I have to arrest you."

"Yeah yeah..." Nightmare rolled his eyes and walked over to the window in Dream's office. With a grunt, he opened it. And climbed onto the window sill.

"See ya Angel boy."

Much to Nightmare's surprise, Dream had walked over to him. Dream placed a kiss on Nightmare's cheek before shooing him.

"Good bye, Nightmare."


Nightmare is soooooo short compared to Dream I think it's silly

780 Words

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