Fallen Angel

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My dearest Nightmare,

How are you?

I hope you've been well.

I've heard that you've created a reputation for yourself down in Hell. I'm not surprised. You were always so charismatic and powerful. Even as an angel.

I miss you. It gets lonely up here you know. Without you.

No one wants to talk to me. If I'm being frank, everyone hates me.

But this isn't about me, is it?

No. It's not.

Anyways, what's it like down there?

I see sunsets, sunrises.

What do you see from down there?

I'm morbidly curious


I love you

Dream franticly scribbled that part out with his pen, his face lighting up with blush.

Ignore that.

Talk to you later.


Dream exhaled and folded the paper into thirds. He slipped it into an envelope and flung on a pale yellow sweatshirt and left his house as silent as a leaf in the wind.

He walked along the cloud streets, the moonlight shining on his fluffy wings.

He made his way down to the edge of Heaven. He looked down at the world below him, there it was. His meeting spot.

He jumped, the air flying through his sweatshirt and wings. He gripped onto the letter tightly, closing his eyes, a couple of forced tears came out from the force of the wind.

He shut his eyes as the wind bounced off his face, the cold air smacking him, knocking the air out of him.

He flapped his wings a couple of times, his feet landing softly onto the grassy surroundings.

He walked over to the permanent demon symbol that was burned into the ground eons ago.

"Pssst, Blue." Dream whisper-shouted at the symbol.

"Blue." Dream hissed. The symbol began to glow and then erupted with fire, which soon disappeared, leaving a demon behind.

"Hey hey, Dream! How's it going?" Blue asked, his tail swaying with a mind of its own.

"Hi Blue, I uh, need you to give this to Nightmare." Dream handed Blue the envelope.

"Oooh, are you finally confessing your undying attraction to him?"

"I do NOT like Nightmare. Blue." Dream huffed, his face lighting up a little.

"Sure sure...Anyways how have you been?"

"It's been okay. People still don't like me, but they've gotten less intense."

"Awe, that's good. Anyways it's best if you headed back up now, the sun will come up soon."

"Right...I'll see you Blue."

Dream gave Blue a small wave and beat his wings, he began to head his way back up to Heaven.

Blue waved until Dream was above the clouds, and back into Heaven.

Blue smiled and went back down into Hell, the symbol lighting up with fire and sending him back down.

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