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Dream was thrown awake as something, no someone, jumped on him. Dream rubbed his eyes, being met with a pair of blue ones.

"Blue...? What're you doing up this early? Why did you wake me up?" Dream's voice was croaky and gross, but he knew that Blue didn't care.

"Weeeell, I heard that it was your birthday today and since I know Ink is a bitch and probably doesn't celebrate anything apart from anything that revolves around him."

"I assumed that you probably haven't had an actual birthday celebration in, well, a while. If you want to celebrate of course! I'm not trying to pressure you into doing anything I was just-"

Dream put a finger to Blue's lips, "Shhhh, stop talking."

Dream rubbed his head, "I just woke up, and yes, I do celebrate my birthday, thank you for asking."

"Well, we could start with something simple to start the day. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Uhh...hash browns and waffles. Now get out of my room." Dream shoved Blue off of his bed.

"Alright alright, I'll get that cooking, don't be too long." Blue shut the door behind him. Dream listened as Blue walked down the stairs, groaning and he threw himself out of bed.

He was very slow this morning, probably because he was very cold and didn't want to get up regardless. He got changed after two minutes of shivering in his room, getting into a yellow t-shirt, black jeans, and a black leather jacket over that.

He then slipped on his crown and clipped the flag-scarf he had created around his neck. He pulled out his phone and checked his Twitter, smiling as he checked the first couple of tweets he was tagged in. They were birthday wishes.

When did he ever reveal his birthday to the public?

Oh well.

There was no way he'd be able to like them all, but he did appreciate it nonetheless. He began to like as many as he could as he walked down the stairs, entering the kitchen.

"Hey Dream! Took you long enough." Blue laughed, sliding Dream's plate over to him.

"Sorry, sometimes I hate that my birthday in December." Dream took a bite of his hash browns.

"That least yours isn't in spring!"

"I suppose that's fair."

Suddenly, Dream was slapped in the back of the head, the food in his mouth almost coming out.

"Happy Birthday Grandpa!" Ink chirped, shoving Dream.

"I'm not that old!"

"That's true. My apologies. Happy Birthday, Caesar!"

Dream facepalmed.

"Inky stop it. So Dream, what do you want to do today? We could go to the arcade, watch a movie, get some food. That reminds me, do you want a cake or pie or something like that?"

"I think an arcade trip would be nice, and I think some angel food cake would be good."

"Okay! We'll get home from the arcade and I'll get started on that!"

"What arcade do you want to go to? Like, maybe one from a modern AU, from the 80s, from the future?" Ink waved his hands in a rainbow over his head.

"Right now, I want to eat breakfast. And you two should too. Then we can go."

"Oh yeah. Food. Forgot I need that."

Dream rolled his eyes as Ink hopped off the stool and walked over to the pantry.

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