Back together

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Thanks for the idea


You're cool my dude

Sorry, it's a bit of a mess. :/


Nightmare gripped his spear, a small bead of sweat trickling down his face.

He could hear his own heartbeat in his head, but he didn't move. He wasn't sure where that monster was, he had to be very, very quiet.

Dream was planning something big, Nightmare knew he was. He had been inactive for months, months!

When Nightmare was 'corrupted' he was never inactive, he was always doing something to get Dream's attention.

Nightmare smiled at himself. Yeah, it was true, even when he was corrupted, he still had a thing for Dream. He just didn't know it at the time.

"Nightmare." A voice similar to his own broke the ear-piercing silence.

Nightmare loosed his grip on his spear. He hadn't heard that voice in a long... long time.

A pair of footsteps came closer to Nightmare, the figure's face slowly becoming visible in the bright moonlight. 

"D-Dream...?" His voice wavered, he almost dropped his spear as he made eye-contact with Dream.

Dream's golden eyes weren't as bright as they were before, they were a nice calming color.

"Hi, Nightmare."

"Dream is you... are you really here? What happened?!"

"Yes, I'm really here Nightmare." Dream pulled out his soul, the pure golden apple shined in the darkness, proving to Nightmare that he wasn't lying.

Nightmare dropped his weapon and covered his mouth, the amount of joy he felt was indescribable.

He felt tears forming his eyes, he ran into the arms of Dream's, embracing him tightly.

Dream pulled Nightmare close, he pressed Nightmare's face into his upper torso. Nightmare wrapped his arms around Dream, tears falling from his eyes and getting caught in Dream's shirt.

Dream tried to push Nightmare off of him, wanting to have a conversation but Nightmare was NOT having it. He continued to be latched onto Dream, refusing to be pushed off.

"N-Nightmare...!" Dream freed one of his arms from Nightmare's grasp and pushed his head away from him.

"Nightmare let go of me!"

"nO." Nightmare sobbed out, trying his best to stay attached to Dream despite being pushed away.

"NIGHTMARE." Dream hissed, finally managing to push him off. Dream grabbed Nightmare's hands with his own, looking down at him.

"Stop crying, you baby." Dream mumbled wiping one of his tears away with his hand.

"I missed youuuu!" Nightmare lamented, pushing the side of his face into Dream's chest. Dream groaned and kissed Nightmare on the head, rubbing his shoulder.

"You're such a crybaby Night."

"And you became a sadistic monster for about 200 years so suck my dick."

Dream was not quite sure how to respond to that.

"Do...Do you want to come home with me Night?"

"Yeah, just one question though."


"How did you become... normal again? Like, when the second Apple Incident went down, I turned back to normal, like with my height and stuff, and you got taller. So, why didn't you revert to your old height or something like that?"

"Well, unlike with you, the power of the negativity apples weren't transferred to someone else. I removed the magic entirely from my system. Which is why I didn't become smaller again, my magic is still a bit funny, but I'm working on getting it to the point it was."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Do you want to come home with me now?"


Dream grabbed Nightmare's hand and teleported the two of them to Dream's mansion.

They entered a large room, which big, fluffy couches all over the place. It had shelves of books, board games, and a large TV hanging on the wall.

"This is nice..." Nightmare mumbled as he sat down on one of the couches.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me?"


Dream cringed and grabbed a remote, and turned on the TV. He turned on Netflix and began to scroll through the movies.

"Have you seen 'Knives Out'?" Dream asked.

"No, I heard that it was good though."

"Well then, I know what we're watching tonight."

Dream found the movie and turned it on, the room automatically darkened, giving the illusion of a movie theater. Nightmare snuggled closer to Dream, his eyes on the TV.

Dream grabbed a blanket and flung it over the two of them, bringing them closer together.

"Hey Dream?"


"Whatever happened to the 'corruption'?"

"Well, we trapped it downstairs, it's in a test-tube-like-thing like they have in the Handplates timeline."

"What's going to happen to it?"

"I don't may stay down there for all eternity."

"You're just going to leave it there all alone?! I know it made us do some really bad things but no one deserves that!"

"No, I'm not going to leave it down there alone. Blue talks to it sometimes."

"Blue?" Nightmare asked in disbelief. The last time Nightmare saw Blue he was not in a good place mentally.

"Mhm, don't worry, he's gotten better since the last time you saw him."


Nightmare placed his head on Dream's shoulder and stared up at the movie.

Dream placed his head on Nightmare's, smiling softly. No matter what happened, he hoped they would stay like this forever.

Stay back together, forever.



This was a fun one.

I made it during school.


897 Words

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