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It's 11 in the morning and I'm still under the blankets, Jack is still asleep. Suddenly I hear groans. Jack is having another nightmare, one of the worst since he also has tears in his eyes.

"Jack, babe, don't worry it was a nightmare" I hug him, making him feel my presence. He opens his eyes, shiny from tears.

"I'm sorry I woke you up"

"Don't worry, I wasn't sleeping anyway"

"I'm sorry, I know it's the second this week"

"Will you tell me what you dream about?" "So I can help you" I add.

"I still dream of the worst way things could have gone, that day at the market"

"There's more?"

"I was constantly afraid of losing you"

"Love look at me" I take his face in my hands forcing him to look at me. "You are my strength. It is thanks to you that I was able to recover so quickly. You are everything to me. I want to be with you for the rest of my days" he looks at me dazed. "Why is that face?"

"What did you say?" he asks with a smile.

"What do you mean? You did not listen to me? Do I have to repeat everything I've said?"

"No, I listened to you. The last thing you said, say it again"

"What did I say? I don't remember sorry "

"You said "I want to be with you for the rest of my days"" I look at him with a smile on my lips, my heartbeat begins to speed up.

"Did you really mean that?"


"So you want to marry me someday?"

"Yes Jack" "Would you?" I ask him a little hesitantly.

"Yes, I really want it!"

"One thing at a time though, okay?"

"Okay! Are we going to have breakfast now that I'm starving? "

"Sure babe"


One day, ladies and gentlemen, I will marry Brooklyn Wyatt or rather Brooklyn Gibson David Avraam Craven Kleanthous Wyatt.

While we are having breakfast, I receive a message from his father. He's here in ten minutes. I almost nearly choked on coffee.

"What's up? Everything good?"

"Good? Amazing!"


"Let's go for a walk?"

"Okay, let me finish with..."

"No let's go now" I snapped up taking him by the hand and running into the room.

"Jacky will you tell me what's going on?"

"Absolutely nothing, why do you think there is something?"

"Everything became strange from one moment to the next"

"Who? Me?"

"You're weird"

We get dressed and as soon as I finish the doorbell rings. Just in time!

"Who is it at this time?" Brook asks as he opens the door.

"Surely they will be wrong!" Andy says reaching out to Brook.

"No no no! I'll do it!" I pass both of them, they look at me confused but letting go.

"Your boyfriend is really weird"

"What can you do, I love him as he is!"

"Who was he anyway?" Andy asked

At this very moment Brook's father enters. I remain motionless, afraid of Brook's reaction. He and Andy look at me confused. Brook's father is about to say something when he is interrupted by Ryan who, without noticing anything, goes to Andy leaving him a good morning kiss on the lips.

"What's going on here?" he asks confused.

"Let's leave them alone." Andy takes Rye's hand, heading for their room.

"Jack why is he here?" Brook asks, almost angry.

"Didn't he tell you?" asks his father with an expression that conveys sadness. "Brook I'm here because I have to talk to you"

"I leave you alone"

"No stay" Brook says, holding my hand.

We sit on the sofa and his father is in front of us, sitting, staring at us and trying in some way to find the right words.

"Brook, I know I haven't been a good father. For sure you will be a thousand times better" Brook looks at me with a smile, as if he sees ahead in our future "I've not been present as much as I should, this is one of the things that is on the list of my regrets. Perhaps, however, the most serious was not accepting my son for who he is. The moment a person has a child, he only wants the best for him, but, how can I have been so blind and even selfish in not seeing the amazing person in front of my own eyes, how can I have deprived you of a father figure?" his eyes are bright and tears threaten to come out. Brook squeezes my hand and I look at him, his eyes are also shiny, even if he doesn't want to show any emotion. "Long story short, I came here today to tell you that I'm sorry I didn't support you, I haven't been you. I'm really proud of you and the life you are building with your boyfriend. You really are a beautiful couple. I wish you the best" he gets up to walk to the door when Brook stops him, he turns and they look into each other's eyes for a moment.

"Dad, do you see these?" he asks pointing to the tears that run down his cheeks. "They are tears of joy" they hug and now I too begin to get moved. "Dad, someday I'll get married to Jack, will you come to our wedding that day?"

"Oh son, is one of my wishes. I thought you never asked me" he wipes his tears and comes towards me and hugs me tightly.

"Thanks for helping me" I nod, happy with what just happened. "You are really a good boy, and very cute I must say" a collective laugh fills the room with happiness but then becomes a little serious "Treat well my baby"

"I will"

"Thanks dad, see you soon" he gives him a kiss on the cheek

"Thanks to you for listening to me, son"

He leaves the house and Brook rushes into my arms whispering a soft "thank you". I give him a kiss on the forehead and we go and tell the boys everything, even though in the end I know they eavesdrop everything.

𝙸 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄 [𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚈&𝙹𝙰𝙲𝙺𝙻𝚈𝙽]Where stories live. Discover now