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It's almost one in the afternoon and I'm still under the blankets, I woke up twenty minutes ago and I absolutely don't want to do anything. Yes I know I'm a lazy person but what can I do! I also have some qualities though... apart from the fact that I don't think it's a bad thing to sleep a lot.

I had a really nice evening yesterday. I finally broke up with my girlfriend. I don't want to look like a bad person, it's just that I don't even know why we were together. The most plausible reason is that my parents wanted at all costs to see me with a girl and so I gave the green light to the first girl that became infatuated with me. For a few days I must admit that I also liked it, even if in my opinion that "happiness" did not come from the fact that I was together with her, but from the fact that my parents were happy to see me with a girl. However, now it's over and this is the important thing, clearly I will be sorry to give my parents another disappointment, but I had to do it to feel good about myself.

Returning to last night, we prepared some pasta and mixed salad. The four of us ate in the kitchen, Brooklyn was sitting across from me and Rye and Andy were face to face. Every so often while we ate I would stop to look at Brooklyn, I don't know why it was simply an automatic gesture, every time he noticed it and blushed. He was extremely cute. Wait but why these thoughts on Brooklyn? Jack what the fuck is happening to you?! Okay calm down.

"Jack, how is your girlfriend? You said you'd go out with her too, right? " at that question Brooklyn looked at me with a sad expression on his face, but why?

"Oh yes well, um we did a group date, however I broke up with her, I felt that something important had changed, I still don't know what but I don't regret my decision" to my answer it was as if Brooklyn returned to breathe and smiled at me

"Well it wasn't a bad night anyway" Rye said

"I understand you Jack, it was the same for me when I broke up with my girlfriend today, I felt like you" Andy said turning a look at Rye who smiled at him. What is happening between these two? They look so weird, they've been sharing smiles all night and Andy blushes many times as well... after that, I'd better talk to Rye to understand more.

After we finished eating, Rye and I fixed the kitchen and I decided to ask him the expected question.

"Rye, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure"

"Well... I noticed something too much between you and Andy. You like him, don't you?"

"Jack I... it's just that..." he said and then started to cry

"Hey Rye don't worry, don't cry, whatever your answer is, I am here for you. You can always count on me and I'll accept you however it goes" I said holding him in a hug

"T-thanks Jack," he said, hugging her

"Anyway yes, I like Andy"

I didn't say anything to that statement, I simply gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran my hand gently through his hair. At my gesture, a sweet smile appeared on his lips, he said a light "thank you" and motioned me to continue cleaning the kitchen.

As soon as we finished cleaning we joined the boys in the living room who were talking about I don't know what. We opted to watch a movie, after more than ten minutes of choosing the movie we decided to watch "A kiss". I had never heard of this movie, but I have to admit I really enjoyed it. It's about three guys who become friends and spend some magical moments, but unfortunately the end isn't one of the best, but I don't want to spoil anything.

So basically this was our night and I have to say it was nice to spend time with them, I hope there will be other occasions, especially with Brooklyn. I really hope Rye gets to talk to Andy about his feelings for him... Brook and I could work together to find out if Andy reciprocates or not. Sounds good, innit?

𝙸 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄 [𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚈&𝙹𝙰𝙲𝙺𝙻𝚈𝙽]Where stories live. Discover now