Chpater 1: Painting On The Walls

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“So...Should we just ignore them or what?” Cecilia asks me.

It’s been about a month since Link and Zelda’s wedding and not much has happened since then. Ok, apart from two things. One, Mary got a pixie cut and second. Me and Cecilia telling people that we’re a couple…. and I kinda wish we kept it a secret. Why? Because our friends won’t leave us alone! They keep on watching us when we’re together. I get that they’re our friends but still! I’m pretty sure they just do it to annoy us and not to be least I hope not. Me and Cecilia’s relationship has been going really well. We really enjoy being around each other and it’s been a lot of fun.

We’ve gone on at least five dates by now and I hope that this goes somewhere. Look, I don’t keep count ok. Me and Cecilia sit together in each other’s arms trying to ignore the fact that Mary and Dean (a friend of ours) are in a bush spying on us, and if I might add. Mary has binoculars. I get she’s doing that to be funny but how did she manage to bring them to school? Better yet. Why is no one questioning her? I roll my eyes at the two of them.

“Why can’t you just leave us alone?” I ask them both.

Mary takes down her binoculars and shrugs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only thing we’re doing is bird watching!”

Mary puts the binoculars to her eyes again and looks to the sky this time.

“Look! It’s a seagull!” Dean yells.

He points to the sky as a seagull flies over our head. Me and Cecilia both look at each other and sigh.

“We see seagulls all the time.” Cecilia deadpans.

Dean points to the sky again. “Look! A crow!”

A crow lands on the roof and Mary fakes acting surprised. Me and Cecilia and stand up and walk towards the two of them.

“Alright, that’s enough. Get out the bush. The pair of you.” Bryony tells them rather firmly.

Her, Eilidh and Celeste all walk over as Mary sighs.

“Fine!” She growls.

She stumbles out the bush and nearly falls over. “Happy?” Mary asks.

Me and Cecilia nod our heads. Dean, who is deeper in the bush; looks at us rather blankly.

“I’m stuck.”

He tries to make his way over some sticks but can’t.

“Someone wanna help me?” He asks as he looks for an exit.

Mary pulls out her phone and hits record.

“You’re doing great!” Celeste smirks.

Eilidh starts to laugh while Bryony is already dying and holding her stomach.

“Don’t tell Miss Burgess!” Dean yells.

Celeste gets her phone out as well and takes a photo.

“What an idiot.” Celeste jokes.

I walk over to Dean and reach into the bush. He grabs my hand and I pull him out. He's got mud on his trousers and jumper.

“That’s what you get for spying on us.” I tell him.

Dean looks at me and then points at Mary.

“She told me too!” Dean states.

“Well, that doesn’t mean you have to listen to her!” Cecilia adds.

Everyone laughs and Mary looks at the video on her phone.

“That’s staying on my phone for a loooong time.” Mary grins.

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