The Amulet Splattack: Incorrect Quotes

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Agent 4: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.

Celeste: *Filming* Don't leave any of it out.


Agent 8: If I was a drink, I'd be a Cherry Coke. If you were a drink, what would you be?

Mary: Bleach.

Agent 3: Sewage.

Charlie: Please calm down edge lords.


Ender: Sorry 4, I can't help you.

Agent 4: Just move Eilidh's head off your lap.

Ender: Absolutely not! I'm not a monster!


Eilidh: Guys, I need help.

Cecilia: Love help?

Charlie: Financial help?

Bryony: Emotional help?

Mary: Help moving a body.

*Everyone looks at Mary*

Mary: ...What?


Ender: *On the phone* Agent 4 and 8 made a flamethrower.

Agent 3: Oh my god.

*Agent 4 turns it on*

Ender: Yeah, you should probably get here.


Agent 4: *Throwing pebbles at Agent 3's window*

Agent 3: You have a phone for a reason!

Agent 4: *Throws her phone at the window*

Agent 3: ...Why am I friends with you?

Celeste: *Angrily* ARE YOU-

Mary: Fucking.

Celeste: -KIDDING ME?! YOU-

Mary: Fucking.

Celeste: IDIOT-

Charlie: …What was that?

Mary: Cecilia banned Celeste from swearing, so I volunteered to help her out.

Eilidh: I think you just like saying the f word.

Mary: That doesn’t make my job any less important.


Ender: You can't make everyone like you, you're not Eilidh.

Agent 4: What? Not everyone likes Eilidh.

Ender: Who doesn't?

Agent 4: Well…

Ender: Names, now. Give me their names.


Agent 8: So what do you look for in a person?

Ender: Oh. Nothing really.

Eilidh: *Tries over a potted plant and then apologizes to it*

Ender: That one. I want that one.


*Stuffed animal has fluff covering its eyes*

Eilidh: *Gently fixes it* There, you can see now.

Ender: *watching from across the room* I don't deserve you.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Splattack! (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now