Chapter 8: Up Staged

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We all jump out of the portal and into the audience of the auditorium. We see everyone still lined up against the wall and see that Diana and Crystal are the ones with the camera, although they do have a really shocked look on their faces. They don’t notice us and we duck behind the seats. Valentine paces back and forth and the sisters follow her with the camera.

“Anyone who stands up to us dies. You hear that? I don’t care who they are! The Octorians will win! And the humans will fall to their knees and beg for mercy!”

Valentine motions over to Ender and we all slowly start to make our way to the stage.

“What the hell are they doing?” Bryony whispers.

“I don’t know. The Octorians have never been this bad.” Agent 8 whispers back.

She’s right, all the Octorians ever wanted was a home. They always seemed to be struggling to find a place, but I think there’s something else behind it… Valentine points at Ender and grins widely.

“Shoot them.” Valentine demands.

Ender stares at her stunned.

“What?” Ender replies.

Valentine rolls her eyes.

“You heard me. Shoot them. All of them! Don’t leave a single one alive! Kill them. Every. Last. One.” She yells.

Crystal and Diana both look at each other.

“She’s taking this too far Crystal. There are kids there.” Diana mumbles.

“I want to see how this plays out. It looks like it's about to get interesting. If things take a turn, we’ll step in.” Crystal replies quietly.

Ender pulls out his blaster and looks at it.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Do it!” Valentine yells, stamping her foot.

Ender starts to shake and I shoot a glare at Mary telling her to keep her mouth shut and not quote anything. Ender looks at all the people cowering against the wall and then back at Valentine.

“I...I...I” Ender stutters.

Valentine clenches her fists and growls.

“What? Don’t tell me your seriously want to spare them! You don’t have a choice Ender. Do. It.” Valentine says more assertively.

I clench my fists and glare at Valentine. How can she speak to him like that? She has no right to make him do anything...and I won't let her.

“You do have a choice, Ender!” I yell.

I come out from the seats and make sure no one else is spotted. Valentine growls and points her gun at me.

“You do have a choice. You don’t have to listen to her. You’re your own person. You don’t need to take orders from anyone! Especially not people who treat you like shit.” I tell him.

Ender looks at the ground, clearly not knowing what to do.

“Are you really going to listen to the enemy? She’s just trying to trick you!” Valentine denies.

Eilidh walks onto the stage and right in front of Valentine and then points at me.

“She’s not the enemy Ender! Valentine is. All of the Octorians who want to hurt others are. I know you don’t want to do this. You don’t need to do this!” Eilidh shouts.

Agent 8 octojumps nearby Ender and walks over to him, takes off his shades and shows them to him.

“These do not control you. Valentine does not control you. Octavio does not control you. No one does. I felt that way before. I felt like there was no other way, but when I heard the Calamari Inkantation, when I met my friends, I knew there was another way.”

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