Chapter 10: No Damsel In Distress

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Charlie’s P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and look around. I try to move but can’t. I look down and see that my arms and legs are tied up in rope. I growl as I try to free myself.

“Looks like someone finally woke up.”

I look up and see Diana and Crystal looking at me.

“You have got to be kidding me.” I deadpan, annoyed.

“Never thought I’d see the day you need to be saved.” Diana jokes.

I roll my eyes.

“Thanks.” I frown.

Crystal laughs at me.

“I can’t wait to see your friends come to rescue you. Only to realise they’ve walked right into a trap.” Crystal smirks.

I raise an eyebrow.

“What are you talking about?” I ask.

Diana walks closer to me.

“I thought it would be funny if I changed the look of the statue so your friends would have to go to the other end of town and be met with both your army and the new Octorian boss I helped make.” Diana grins.

I growl and clench my teeth.

“I would say that was smart if my friends weren’t walking right into a trap.” I growl.

Diana laughs and walks back beside Crystal.

“So what are you even planning on doing with me? Leaving me here to rot or something along those lines?” I ask.

Crystal and Diana both look at each other and then back at me.

“What kind of people do you take us for? Of course not! After your friends are beaten we’ll probably just sanitize you like everyone else.”  Crystal shrugs.

I sigh.

“Because that’s so much better.” I reply sarcastically.

Diana rolls her eyes.

“It’s not like you have a choice in the matter. Whatever. We better go. I want to be there when your friends get beaten.” Diana grins.

They both vanish and I start to move around even more, trying to get out of the rope. I can’t let my friends get brain-washed!...again. I don’t think they’ll let me off the hook for it happening a second time.

I struggle to get out and stamp my foot. There’s no way in hell I’m taking the damsel in distress role. I think about what I can do and then realize something I should have seen sooner. I light my hands on fire and it starts to burn through the rope.

“Come on! I don’t have all day.” I say, frustrated.

The rope slowly starts to snap and when the final piece does, the rope around my arms drops to the floor. I summon my sword and cut my legs free and take off running, not wasting a second. I have to go help my friends!


Everyone leaps out of the portal and draw their weapons and looks around.

“Charlie! Where are you?” Cecilia yells, fear coursing through her.

Everyone looks around and Mary turns to Ender.

“Well? Where the hell is she? You should know!” Mary yells at him.

Ender holds up his hands.

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