Chpater 3: Muck Warfare

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We all spirit down the road as we run as fast as we can. I look back at everyone and see that there relatively out of breath.

"Do we really have to need to run this fast?" Bryony asks us, panting for breath.

"Uh. Considering we're being attacked by octopuses then yeah; I think we need to be fast about it." Celeste remarks.

I smirk at her comment and keep running. We come to a stop just at the gate of the avenue and I can see in the distance that there are some weird figures in the distance. We run towards them and as we get closer I realize that there are dozens of Octarians crowded round something... or one. Some of them are sanitized while others are normal.

"How on earth are we supposed to take them all out?" Eilidh asks.

I look around and see some trees that are close to where all the Octarians are huddled. I point in the direction of all the trees.

"We can hide there and find out what their plan is. That way we can learn what there up to and put a stop to it." I say.

Everyone nods and we run into the trees. We hide in between them so we aren't seen and stay quiet as all of the Octarians...cheer? I can't be too sure. Some of them move and I see the Octoling from before and another one. This one is a guy and his tentacle is orange and he has paleish skin. He's wearing Neo octoling armour, boots and shades as well as the same shorts, and he's got a packet of crisps...for some reason. He goes into the packet and pulls one out and goes to eat it. The female Octoling whacks the bag out of his hands and stands on it.

"Hey! I wasn't finished with those..." He whines like a little kid.

The female Octoling rolls her eyes at him.

"Listen General Ender. You better get your act together or I'll be making some sushi out of you."

She grabs his tentacle and pulls it down.

"Do I make myself clear?" She asks.

Ender whimpers a little and nods his head quickly.

"Y-Yes general Valentine." Ender stutters.

She lets go of his tentacle and turns her attention to the Octarians while Ender rubs his tentacle.

"That wasn't very nice of her it didn't seem like that general did anything wrong." Eilidh mumbles.

Mary shh's her and we all turn back to the Octarians.

"Listen to me all of you." Valentine demands, addressing the Octarians.

They all look at the two generals and Valentine grins.

"This pathetic little world doesn't stand a chance against us! Once we take control of more places and get more troops to this world; they won't stand a chance!" Valentine declares.

The Octarians cheer.

"I mean...have you seen the people that rule this world? There kinda stupid. Any clownfish could take over this planet." Ender states.

Valentine hisses at him and Ender pretends to zip his mouth.

"Those girls should be arriving here soon...where are they?" Valentine asks no one in particular.

I look over to everyone else.

"I bet good money that they're talking about the sisters." Bryony comments.

I smirk.

"No kidding." I say back.

We turn our attention back to the crowd.

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