Chpater 11: Infiltrated

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Third Person

Marina walks around the Octorian base with a small device in her hand that she’s just made. She walks over to a group of Octolings and salutes at then before she talks.

“Do any of you know where the machine that’s powering up the laser is? I’ve been told to work on it.” Marina says sternly, trying to keep up her act.

One of the Octoling’s nods and leads her to it. Marina walks past people who are carrying heavy materials. She flinches a little and turns her head away. Not wanting to see people being brainwashed into doing things they don't want to do.

“Those humans won’t know what hit’em. I can’t wait to see them under our control.” The Octoling grins.

Marina tries to laugh.


Marina adjusts her goggles nervously. The Octoling looks at Marina and raises an eyebrow.

“I’ve never seen the likes of you around here. What’s your name?” The Octoling asks accusingly.

Marina gulps a little.

“Um...Willow. I’m new here.” Marina lies.

The Octoling stops and leans closer towards Marina’s face. Marina leans backwards, uncomfortable, and takes a small step back.

“...You look new; that armour is an older model and those goggles are just plain stupid, I can’t believe Octoling’s used to wear them.” The Octoling jokes.

They both laugh. The two of them walk over to a door and the Octoling opens it.

“In here’s the machine powering this place.” The Octoling explains.

She walks away and Marina waves a little.

“Thank you.” Marina nearly mumbles.

The Octoling doesn’t hear her and continues walking. Marina breathes a sigh of relief and walks into the room. She looks in front of her and gasps a little. The machine is huge. With light blue ink nearly spilling out of the container. Marina walks over to it and looks at the device. She crouches down and attaches it to the machine and starts to activate it.

Valentine looks around with her hands behind her back. All the Octoling’s that see her either saluts or looks away from her. Valentine keeps a wide smirk on her face as she walks around, darkness practically following her. The Octoling that Marina was with goes to walk by but Valentine raises her hand, which stops the Octoling instantly.

“And why are you not with your squadron?” Valentine hisses.

“I-I was leading a mechanic to check up on the machine.” The Octoling answers.

Valentine raises an eyebrow.

“What mechanic? I never authorized that!” Valentine yells.

She hits the Octoling out of her way and she falls to the ground. Valentine storms towards the engine room, her blood boiling.  She bangs the door open and her hands light up in darkness. She sees Marina and growls lightly. She gets rid of the darkness and walks over to Marina and clears her throat. Marina stops what she’s doing and slowly turns around.

“What do you think you're doing?” Valentine snaps.

Marina stands up quickly and dusts herself off.

“General Valentine! I was told to come in here and check up on the-''

Valentine slaps Marina so hard that her goggles nearly come off. Marina falls over and Valentine stands over her, her hand emanating a dark energy.

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