Chapter 14: Caught By The Jaws

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We all exit the portal and look around and see Octolings everywhere who are a part of the Octorian army. Terrorising people who are screaming and running for their lives.

“How are we supposed to fight them without our weapons?” Mary asks. I make a portal above our heads and everyone’s weapons fall through.

“...Nevermind then. Mary Sue had us covered everyone.” Mary jokes.

I nudge her shoulder harshly.

“No time for mocking me. Help everyone!” I tell her.

Everyone picks up their weapons and rushes into the fray. The Octolings notice and one points at us. They all start to pull out different kinds of weapons and charge at us. Celeste whips at them and it hits some of them, knocking them into a wall. Mary starts to fight two at once, taking them on with her double blade. One Octoling who has a roller tries to hit Mary over the head but Mary rolls out the way and slashes at the Octoling’s ankle. It cuts through the side of her ankle and the Octoling falls over. Mary kicks her face and knocks her out cold.

The other Octoling goes to attack her but Cecilia jumps in front of her and hits her in the face with her spear. Bryony starts to shoot her arrows from a distance but a sniper notices and points her gun at her. Bryony sees them just in time and side-steps out of the way. She aims her bow at the sniper and tries to shoot her. The sniper moves out the way and Agent 4 sees her. She inks the wall that the sniper is above and starts to swim up it. She jumps into the air and the sniper sees her. Agent 4 smiles sweetly before shooting her in the chest. The Octoling stumbles backwards and clutches her chest. Two Octolings try to rush my and Eilidh but we both grin.

“Bring it on then!” I yell.

I summon my sword and slash through one of their guns. I kick them in the chest and they fall to their knees. I knee there chin and they fall backwards, unconscious. The other Octoling tries to shoot her blaster at Eilidh but she blocks it with her hammer and hits the Octoling over her head. Ender punches an Octoling in the face and another Octoling tries to attack him from the side. Ender bends backwards and avoids them. Agent 3 shoots the Octoling and her and Ender smirk at each other and Ender shakes his hands.

Agent 8 elbows an Octoling in the face and then kneels down and shoots another from behind her. She stands up and smiles at all of us. I smile back and turn to see three more Octolings charge at me. I smirk as I see Mary rush at them from behind. Bryony shoots one of them and they fly backwards. Mary grabs another one and throws her to the ground. I point my sword at the last one as they try to take me on. I look at them and laugh.

“Good luck with that.” I tell them.

I duck down and Agent 3 shoots them. I hop backup and look around.

“Are there anymore?” I ask everyone.

Agent 3 walks over to me and shakes her head.

“I don’t think so, lots took off and ran when they started getting their asses kicked.” Celeste shrugs.

Agent 8 and Ender check behind buildings while Celeste and Bryony stay on their guard. I look up at the Billboard and it goes static. We all look up at it and see Crystal and Diana, grinning.

“Shocker.” Bryony deadpans.

They look at all of us and keep the grins on their faces.

“Didn’t take you long to take out the Octolings did it? I’m not surprised. There idiots.” Crystal shrugs.

Agent 8 and Ender look at each other for a moment before turning back to the billboard.

“Where are Callie and Maria?” Agent 3 demands.

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