Chapter 5: Uninvited Guest

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After a few hours of talking. We all realize we’ve run into a bit of a problem; Where is everyone gonna stay? I think my mum might kill me if I have eight people staying the night at my house for god knows how long and I don't have nearly enough room for all nine of us.

"So what should we do?” Eilidh asks.

“I’ll take Agent 4. I’ve had to deal with Charlie my whole life. I think I can deal with another hyper human...or in this case. Inkling.” Bryony says.

I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at Bryony.

“I’m not that bad!” I say, defending myself.

“Yes, you are Charlie.” Mary disagrees.

“What about me and 3?” Agent 8 asks.

We all think to ourselves for a moment.

“I guess the most logical answer would be for one of them to stay at my house. Me and Bryony are neighbours so it’s easier that way.” Mary suggests.

“Ok. Which one’s going then?” Celeste asks.

Agent 3 raises her hand.

“I’ll go. I don’t want you showing those ‘memes’ to Agent 8.”

Everyone laughs.

“Seems like you caught on quick.” Eilidh smirks.

Mary frowns.

“I wasn’t gonna do anything!” Mary states.

I laugh.

“I right! That would be the first thing you’d do!” I counter.

“What about me?” Agent 8 asks.

“You can stay with me. If it’s only one person; Then my mum will be ok with it. I live near enough to Mary and Bryony’s so that should work out fine.”

“I guess that means the rest of us are going to our own houses?” Cecilia checks.

“Yeah, if only we knew where you lived.” Celeste smirks.

Cecilia sighs.

“You're not getting it out of me that easily.” Cecilia laughs.

“Guess that settles it. We should start making our way there now. It’s getting late.” Agent 3 yawns.

We all nod our heads and everyone starts to leave. Cecilia gives me a kiss and I smile.

“Night.” She smiles.

I smile back at her.


Cecilia leaves which leaves only me and 8.

“So where am I gonna sleep?” She asks, playing with her fingers.

My phone buzzes and I take it out my pocket. I read the message and sigh.

“Sorry Charlie, I need to help your uncle with some stuff so won’t be home for a while. Please don’t kill your brother in that time.” My mum texts.

I quickly text her back.

I’ll behave. But no promises I wouldn’t commit murder in that time. Tell Michael I say hi”

I turn back to 8 and smile.

“Follow me.”

I go upstairs and open my bedroom door.

“You can have my room. I’ll take the couch.” I tell her.

Look, I know I can very easily take my mum’s room but I know my brother will want it since his room is pretty small, and I wouldn't feel right taking her room, and I definitely don't want to sleep in my brother's. I go into my drawers and pull out some pyjamas for me and Agent 8. I throw them over to her and she catches them.

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