Chapter 19

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The night of the "cheating...."

"Alright, so everything is good with the ring, right?"

"Yeah," I mumble in response, hardly listening to Isabel as I check my email for the confirmation of the order. Because if there's one thing I hate more than Hanji's intrusiveness, it's a scam.

"When does it say it's coming in?"

"I don't know, I haven't got the fucking email yet."

"AaaAAAHHHH THE ANTICIPATION IS KILLING ME!" She exclaims, jumping up from her spot on the couch and knocking over her cup of coffee on the way, the dark liquid soaking through her shirt and top of her pants.

"Look at what you did, like a fucking clown. Do you want your red nose now or later?"

She scoffs as she turns around to head into Eren and my room, calling out over her shoulder. "Screw off, I'm going to borrow some of your clothes."

I don't give her a response as I focus my attention back on my computer, staring at the image of the ring I just ordered for Eren. After formulating a plan with Isabel, we purchased the ring and made plans for a romantic evening dinner as the setting to give it to him. Everything needs to go as planned, hopefully, in just a few day's time, Eren will know how I feel about him without a doubt.

I glance down at my phone as I notice it buzzing, a text coming in from Eren letting me know he's coming up in the elevator.

"Hey, I just got a text from my lab partner, they want me to come in last minute to finish up our project. I'm going to head out now." Isabel announces as she comes back into the living room, dressed in one of my shirts and a pair of my sweatpants, hair thoroughly messed up from changing clothes.

I lead her to the door as she slips on her shoes and then jacket. I hesitate as she steps over the threshold, a light flush staining my cheeks as I reach out and ruffle her hair to mess it up further. "Thanks, uh, thanks for your help. With the shit for Eren."

"Ah, it's no problem, Levi. That's what cousins do."

"Whatever," I grumble under my breath, screwing my face up in irritation as she leans in to place two quick pecks on either side of my face. "You aren't in France anymore, stop doing that shit!"

She shoots a grin my way before turning and sauntering down the hallway. "Just because I know it irritates you, I'll never stop. See you later!"

I roll my eyes and close the door once I see she enters the stairwell (she says she's too "superior" for elevators), heading back into the apartment and sitting down on the couch to resume my waiting for the confirmation email. I can't help the small smile that slips onto my face as I think about the ring I just ordered sitting pretty on Eren's finger, the knowledge that I love him running through his mind as he wears it.



The past few days have been strained between me and Levi, and for the third night in a row I've come up with the excuse of "a rough day at work" to explain my distant behavior. Levi doesn't know that I know, and I intend to keep it that way until I can get a better head and figure out how to break up with him. No way am I going to stay with a cheater, I've dealt with that shit before and it was a headache.

The past few nights I've hung around Jean and Armin's apartment until going back super late to ensure Levi is asleep. He goes to bed pretty early for someone his age, saying he needs his "beauty rest." I think it's just an excuse not to be called an old man for having a set bedtime.

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