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"Levi Ackerman." The tinny sound of my name being called out by the president of the university through a microphone urges me into action, and I walk across the stage to meet him in the middle, taking hold of my diploma before continuing forward. Distantly I can hear loud cheers and calls of my name that are undoubtedly my family and Eren-


Why didn't he just say boyfriend-


The hollering of my mother and Eren catch my attention to them all the way in the higher seats of the atrium, and I can't help but let a small smile slip on my face when I see even Kenny is participating in the shenanigans, holding up a big sign that says: Levi Ackerman, the best graduate this university will ever see.

Gotta love family, am I right?


The graduation ceremony went by quickly after everyone received their diploma, Hanji gave their valedictorian speech which was borderline just a flex of their accomplishments over the past four years, and before I knew it Eren was running at me with a wide grin on his face and arms outstretched to snatch me up in a big hug.

"Levi, you did it! I'm so proud of you." He says as he loosens his grip to lean back and plant a kiss on my lips.

"Don't get too excited yet, I still have law school to get through."

"We can worry about that shit later, it's time to celebrate!" My mother interjects, thrusting a big bouquet of roses into my arms and pulling me into an embrace as well.

"I made you a sign, some of the other parents got mad about it though," Kenny chimes in. I thank him for it, we all know it's true.

"LEVI!!" A crushing weight rams into my back and I almost topple over from the force of both Petra and Hanji jumping on top of me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I exclaim after I push the offending idiots off of me, scoffing at their bright grins and Petra's snorting under her breath.

"We graduated Levi, can you believe it?"

"Cleary I can since I'm wearing a damn gown and cap-"

"You're coming to the graduation party tonight, right? Actually, I don't care, you're coming. You know what Hanji, let's just bring him with us right now."

"Whoah, wait a minute-"

"Good idea!"

I don't even have time to say bye to my family and Eren before I'm being dragged off by Petra and Hanji and wrestled into a car to Hanji's apartment. Those motherfuckers can definitely have an iron grip when they want to.


The sound of the front door opening and closing wakes me up out of my nap, Eren calling out for me following shortly after.

"I'm in the living room," I slur out, rubbing my eyes and yawning as I sit up and begin coming back to earth.

"How was your day?" He asks as he plops down on the couch next to me, slipping off his bright yellow crocs and leaning back with a sigh.

"I thought you said you didn't wear crocs..." I mumble under my breath before leaning over to plant a quick kiss on his lips, yawning again as I move away. "Boring as fuck. There's nothing to do since you're gone all day."

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