Chapter 11

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*This chapter is pure smut. Don't read around your grandma.*


"Holy shit Eren, what the fuck." I gasp out as he squeezes my cock harshly, blooms of pleasure spreading up into my core as he continues to stroke me.

"What's wrong Levi?" He asks with a grin, running his other hand up to lift the hem of my shirt and pull it off of me.

"You appeared out of thin air and then grabbed my dick like a piece of meat at the grocery store. I'm just a little disoriented."

"Mmm...I do love picking up some thick...juicy, meat. Preferably sausage." He says in a sultry tone with half lidded eyes, and it takes about .2 seconds before both of us bust into laughter.

"Did you really just make a joke with my dick in your hand?" I say in between chuckles, Eren looking up at me with tears in his eyes as he takes a moment to gather himself.

"Yes, yes I did. But that's the thing Levi....there's nothing funny about this situation." His silly grin morphs into a seductive smirk as he squeezes my cock again, shifting so he's moving up the bed to straddle me. He leans in to whisper in my ear. "What is funny is you begging for me to let you cum after I ride you like my personal sex toy."

Any thoughts of dominating the man in front of me tonight fly out the window as the realization hits me hard (in both my brain and my dick) that it was never going to be that way. Eren has me wrapped around his finger, and it's clear he isn't going to sit back and let me do all the work.

"What do you think about that, Levi? Do you want that?" Another squeeze to my cock and a grind of his hips down into mine has me gasping slightly. "Do you want me?"

"Yes." I blurt out before I can stop myself, the smirk slipping off his face to be replaced with a quick look of shock before he averts his eyes from mine.

"....Really?" It's so quiet I have to strain slightly to hear it, and I push him back slightly to give him an incredulous look.

"Are you serious? When have I ever expressed I didn't want you? I basically sexually harassed you for weeks."

"I don't know! We haven't had sex yet, I thought you realized I'm actually old and my asshole has wrinkles or some shit!"

I give him a look.

"Ok, my asshole doesn't actually have wrinkles, but still."

For someone so smart, he's really a fucking idiot.

"I would rather not have this conversation while my dick is out, but the short answer is yes. Yes, I absolutely want you." His eyes meet mine again, the uncertainty that was present before slowly slipping away. "Now, can we please get back to it? I thought I would be begging to cum by now."

A chuckle escapes him before he sits back with renewed vigor, quickly slipping his scrubs and underwear off to leave him naked before advancing on me again. Our lips meet in a heated kiss as his thighs bracket mine, twins groans slipping through our lips as our erections rub against each other, the sweet friction sending shocks of pleasure up to the pool of heat brewing in my core.

"Mmm, fuck Eren." I groan as he trails kisses down to my neck, sucking a dark hickey into my collar bone before moving lower. "Let me prep you, I can't wait any longer."

He looks up at me with viridian eyes burning with lust, raising an eyebrow and leaning back to shoot me an unimpressed look. "I don't think I like the way you asked. No please or anything? Just for that, you can watch."

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