Chapter 3

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"Someone play Kesha, I've been on a Kesha kick lately."

"No one wants to hear Kesha."

"I do! The fuck...."

"Then get your AirPods."

"Someone in my psych class stole them, I literally saw them in their ears the other day!"

"....All AirPods look the same once they're out of the case, how would you even know that?"


I take a large sip from the beer in my hand as I will myself not to listen to the conversation that surrounds me, somewhat questioning the amount of brain cells my friends have. I glance up at a loud shriek and roll my eyes when I see it's just Petra rolling on the floor in silent laughter. Yeah, those brain cells I mentioned? Must only be around two or three.

"Sooooo," Petra coos as she finally settles down and sits next to me on the couch, apologizing to Hanji when she accidentally hits their head from where they sit on the carpet in front of us. "How have things been with your new roommate?"

"Oh yeah, you never told me if you ever found one. I was worried sick! The thought of our Levi out on the streets alone, cold, hungry, shitting in a cardboard box-"

"Jesus, shut up Hanji." I hiss as irritation begins building. I don't know why I continue to hang out with them.

"Yeah, he's definitely been shitting in a cardboard box."

"Alright guys, let him talk." I silently thank Erwin for being the only reasonable one in this hellhole before I start talking again.

"I moved in with my nephew's doctor, I can't remember if I told you guys about him."

"Oh, you definitely did."

"It was almost twenty minutes of you gushing about his ass."

"You told us enough to write a ten page essay on that man." They all say at the same time, and I shoot them a glare before taking another sip of beer.

"I didn't do the most, don't play," They all give me a 'I know you fucking lying' look, and I mentally make a promise to murder them all within the next month or so, depending on how lazy I'm feeling. "Whatever, but he had a free room and let me move in, the saint doesn't even let me pay rent. And, fuck, he's always prancing around in these little shorts when he's not in work clothes, even baggy pajama pants still hug his ass since it's so fat. But that's not all," The words spill from my mouth in my buzzed state before I can stop them. Once I mention Eren my brain decides it's going to completely disregard it's filter and focus all it's attention on the subject at hand, the piece of shit. "He's really good with kids, and people in general, I kind of wonder how he does it since people are annoying as fuck. And his smile lights up the room, like fucking....god is shining down on him. And he can really cook, sometimes if he comes home early enough he'll make me a snack when I'm studying. A snack."

Silence fills the room as my friends stare at me with shocked expressions and gaping mouths, and after a moment it gets awkward so my natural response in awkward situations kicks in, a harsh glare directed towards them. "What?"

"Sorry, it's just...." Petra shakes her head like she's coming out of a trance, blinking rapidly a few times before continuing. "We've just never heard you talk about someone like that, all your past relationships it seemed like you never really paid attention to what you liked about them that much."

"Yeah, we could always tell you weren't that serious about those people and they never lasted long. But this?" Erwin raises an eyebrow and gives me a look like he knows something I don't, and I resist the urge to smack it off of him. "I don't know man, this kind of sounds like a crush."

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