Chapter 20

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"Levi look, we made cupcakes!"

"That's nice," I respond absentmindedly, adjusting my head from where it rests on my arm and stretching myself further out onto the couch.

"Levi look, they're salted caramel, your favorite!"

"That's nice."

"....Levi look, Sasha's got breast implants!"

"That's nice."

".....Levi, I'm dying."

"That's nice."

"And this isn't actually my real face it's just a silicone mask I wear all the time."


"STOP IT!" Hanji's loud voice finally resonates in my mind, and I blink a few times before shooting them a harsh glare.

"What is wrong with you?"

"No, what is wrong with you?" They aggressively move my legs out of the way to sit down on the couch, and while I would usually punch them in the face for even thinking of touching me, I don't have the energy to do so. "Seriously Levi, what's up?"

By the tone of their voice I can tell they're being sincere, and I let out a long sigh as I prepare to answer their question. If I don't, they'll just bother me until I do, and that will make my mood even worse. "I'm fine, Hanji. Nothings up."

"So, your depressed state for the past two weeks has nothing to do with how Eren dumped you?"

"He didn't dump me!" I exclaim, sneering at the mere insinuation I could ever be dumped. "He just....separated himself from the situation."

"So he dumped you."

"Fuck off."

There's silence for a moment, and I'm starting to think they've actually listened to me for once and left when they speak up again. "I'm going to be honest with you Levi, bestie to bestie-"

"We are not best friends."

"Bestie to bestie," They insinuate again, giving me a look practically daring me to refute that. "Something isn't right about the way you guys broke up, I think there's more to the story than both of you understand."

"There isn't a damn story," I snort. "He broke up with me because he wanted to, fuck him."

"You don't really mean that," Hanji says, and now I really want to hit them because they are absolutely right. I don't mean that.

How could I ever mean that? I was in love with Eren, and still am. The past two weeks after our breakup have been absolute hell for me, there's a gaping Eren shaped hole in my life that can't be filled anymore. I never realized how much of my life became intertwined around him and those bright smiles in the months that we dated, it doesn't feel right to be separated.

"Listen, I think you guys should talk. I really feel like there's some miscommunication going on here."

"And why do you think that?" I shoot back, a strange feeling washing over me at the possibility that Hanji might be right. I almost want to call it hope, but the pessimistic part of me is holding that back and making me stay realistic.

"It's just a gut feeling, and you know my gut is never wrong."

As much as I want to shit on that statement, they're not wrong. Hanji's gut feeling was right about my sexuality before I ever was, it was right about me getting into my top university choice, and now it might be right about the shitshow that is my love life.

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