Chapter 5

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"Those slacks make your ass look fat."

"Levi." I hiss in admonishment, gesturing to the 6 year old obliviously sitting in front of me.

"He doesn't know what I mean, it's fine."

"That's not true!" Hiroaki finally speaks up as I look over the X-rays of his leg the radiologist sent in. "It means his butt looks big!"

Levi looks a little too proud at his nephew's words for my liking, and I don't feel super comfortable with my six year old patient knowing the way to explain someone's lower half is large, so I choose to end the appointment a little early. "Well Hiroaki, your leg is healing nicely, you should be proud of yourself! Remember to keep using your crutches, I hope by the next time I see you we can move you off of them."

"Ok! Lee, Dr. Eren said I'm doing a good job!" He says, turning to Levi whose head is tilted almost completely sideways from where he stands against the wall, starting intently at my lower half.

"Those pants are doing a good job- what? Oh, that's great, nice job."

I shoot Levi another glare but it proves to be futile as a satisfied smirk spreads across his face, and I mentally curse myself for finding what I should be annoyed at, undeniably attractive.

When Levi said he had Ackerman Charm, I thought he was exaggerating or joking around, but he most definitely was not. Everyday compliments are spewed left and right, my cheeks might as well be California during dry season since they're always on fire from the onslaught of affection.

I finish typing up some notes on the progress of Hiroaki's leg before swiveling my chair around to face them, a smile on my face present as I hand him his favorite red Jolly Rancher, a small sigh of relief escaping my lips when his face lights up in happiness. Thank god, after being majorly judged by him the last time I saw him, looks like I'm back in his good graces.

Levi glances up at the clock on the wall before grabbing Hiroaki's jacket, helping him into it as he speaks. "I need to get him back to school, I'll see you later."

"Don't you have a late class tonight?" I ask as I stand, leading the both of them to the door.

"Yeah, but I'm going to skip it. Gotta make time for you."

"Don't skip your classes so you can try to get some ass, Levi." I deadpan, giving him an unimpressed look.

What could almost be considered an embarrassed look flashes across his face, but it's gone almost as soon as it appears. "I was just kidding."

"No you weren't."

"Ok, I wasn't, but now I am. I'll see you tomorrow then, or whenever I get back."

"Bye bye Dr. Eren!" Hiroaki cheers with an excited wave.


"You're so sexy when you wear those reading glasses, damn."

"Levi, I'm trying to work."

"Shoot, we can work. Well. Together."

"Please get the fuck out of my office."


"Armin wants you to come over tomorrow night, are you free?"

"Yeah, if I don't have to do some emergency surgery or something."

Jean nods as he takes a bite of his pretentious salad, giving my burger a judgemental look before we enter back into conversation, catching up on our personal lives and the weekly hospital drama.

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