Chapter 15

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"Babe, just think about it."

"I'm not doing it."

"Come on, please! It'll be hot."

Armin and Jean tend to be a little....dysfunctional, but I never imagined I would hear Jean trying  to sell Armin on dressing up like Santa and a reindeer for, and I quote, "some spicy Christmas sex."

"Jean, I don't want to do that, it's weird! Why can't you be normal for once?"

"Nothing about me is normal, babe."

"That's my point!"

I let a chuckle slip out of my lips as I tune them out, thoughts drifting as I take in the various winter and Christmas themed decorations around their apartment. November went by in a flash, an...interesting Thanksgiving dinner was spent with both my parents and Levi's mother and uncle, but it's hard to believe Christmas is only a week away.

Thinking of Christmas directs my thoughts toward Levi, more specifically towards his birthday, and I find an idea brewing in my head I definitely shouldn't pursue. Levi would kill me.

After considering that possibility for all of 2 seconds, I decide that this can just be revenge for the multiple times he fucks me until I limp and my child patients ask me why I'm walking weird. That embarrassment is like no other.

And, the time I've spent with Levi over the past months of us dating has been more fulfilling than I ever thought it could. I never imagined I could realistically sustain a relationship on top of my work, but Levi makes it so easy and never fails to remind me of his support. Thinking about him always fills my chest with a certain warmth, and I find myself frequently having to hold back from letting a certain L word slip out too early into our relationship. He deserves a celebration if not for his birthday, then for how happy he makes me every day.

"Armin, please. Let me have this." I'm pulled out of my thoughts at the sight of Jean kneeling in front of Armin, hands clasped in front of his face as Armin looks down on him in disdain.

"If you ask me one more time, I'm breaking up with you."

"No!" Jean exclaims, flopping backward on the carpet in a starfish position and throwing a hand over his eyes.

"Is he high?" I turn to Armin, and he rolls his eyes in response.

"He's not, just a big fucking baby."

"Fair enough," We take a moment to watch Jean's antics, eventually getting bored and turning back to each other. "Hey, can you help me with something? I have an idea."

"If it involves dressing up as Santa and having sex, don't even think about it."

"It doesn't. I'm thinking of throwing a surprise birthday party for Levi."

"Won't he try to kill you, though? I thought you mentioned he doesn't even like his friends."

I think back to the many times Levi has referred to his friends as either "shitbags" or "parasites," and decide I'll take the risk to move forward with my plan. "It'll be fine, besides, I think he got along pretty well with everyone when we all went to karaoke..."


Two weeks earlier....


"God, they have the voice of an angel."

"I know babe, we got lucky." Sasha and Connie muse to each other with matching pleased smiles on their faces as they lovingly watch Hanji and Petras duet.

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