Chapter 2

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"....and then, when the nurse that looks like a horse came to give me my medicine, he slipped and fell because I accidentally spilled water on the floor! It was really funny!" Hiroaki pauses in his retelling of the past three days in the hospital, a glassy look washing over his eyes as tears begin to form and he looks at me with the most remorseful expression a 6 year old can muster.

"B-but then, I felt r-really bad because he-he started cursing because it h-hurt him," He hiccups loudy before continuing. "Am I a b-bad person?"

If it had been any other child, I would've told them to man the fuck up and stop being a little bitch, but this isn't any 6 year old. This is Hiroaki, the literal ray of sunshine that came to bless my entire cynical ass family, the only child that can melt an Ackermans cold, bitter heart.

Alright, we're not actually that bad, but the kids a gem, and it's impossible not to want to die for him.

"You're not a bad person, it's ok to laugh when people fall sometimes, especially if you know they aren't seriously hurt. It would be different if he....broke his skull and you started laughing, that's not very nice."

His eyes widen before a firm expression takes over his face and he nods, holding a tiny fist up in some sort of triumph pose. "Ok! If Lee is saying it's ok, then I'll make sure to laugh at injured people only if they're not dying!"

"Wait, thats not really what I meant-" I cut myself off with a sigh, realizing I just implemented some questionable lesson in his brain, but don't go through the effort to correct it.


My phone buzzing in my hand catches my attention and I resist the urge to throw it across the hospital room, already knowing it's going to be another message from Mikasa asking how the check up is going.



Is everything ok?

Did the nurse come in yet?

Ask Hiroaki if he's been eating enough.


Idk why you asked for me to fill in at his surgery check up

If you were just going to ask questions the whole fucking time

Might as well have come yourself


Fuck you


I scoff at the message, irritation building further when I read it in her voice, and turn off my phone before placing it on my lap, glancing up at Hiroaki to find him looking at the clock on the wall making little excited movements.

"What are you doing? You're not supposed to be moving around a lot."

"Because it's almost time for Doctor Eren to come visit me! He's my favorite!"

My stomach plummets at the mention of the sexy surgeon, my heart immediately going into overdrive at the realization I'll be seeing those gorgeous eyes and sweet smile. Again. For the third time. I must have been a fucking saint in my past life to get luck like this.

"Wait, I thought the surgeon didn't visits patients, isn't a nurse supposed to-"

"Well, I'm the head pediatric orthopedic surgeon here at Trost, so I like to make it a point to visit any patients still somewhat freshly post-op to personally see how they're doing." HIs voice is a melodic hum as he enters the room, a bright smile present on his face he sits down on the chair next to the hospital bed. "How have you been this morning, Hiroaki?"

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