Chapter 9

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"I want you all to think about why Bram Stoker would characterize the female countesses as being so sexual, what is he trying to say? That outwardly sexual women are dangerous and to be feared, as they can't be resisted? Think about Johnathons conflicting feelings of fear and arousal during this scene, take about 10 minutes to talk with the people around you, then we'll wrap up class."

I turn to look at Petra who's half asleep on Hanij's shoulder and shake my head. "I don't want to talk about that shit."

"Neither do I." Petra says with a yawn, blinking like a small child as she wakes up from her short nap. "Let's talk about important things. Like how I matched with Levi's sister on Tinder."

"You what?" I hiss out in utter shock. I know Petra wants to fuck my sister but I didn't think she was actually serious. "Absolutely not. Don't even think about it."

"Why not, what's the harm? She's single anyways, imagine, we could be siblings in law."

The thought of Petra and I being siblings in any way makes me want to vomit shit all the way from my asshole to my mouth. It takes an immense amount of self control not to smack her upside the head, but I manage, and instead turn to Hanji in hopes that they can steer us away from this topic of conversation.

"Levi! You're actually reaching out to me today? Is the sky green?"

"Shut up, I just don't want to talk about Petras disgusting lust for my older sister."

"I mean, you can't really blame her. She does have some nice ta-ta's."

"Do both of you have a death wish?"

They laugh and giggle at my response which is concerning, because I'm being dead serious. I will kill them one day if they don't get their act together.

"So, Levi, how's it been with your roommate? Last time you mentioned him you practically performed a sonata about everything you like him."  

I sigh loudly as I lean back in my seat, mood damping somewhat at the mention of Eren. It's not like things have been bad necessarily, just...awkward and different. After I chased down Eren (side note, fuck him for that, I haven't ran in a while) and he confirmed his drunken antics were true, I thought we would easily slide into the relationship I've been wanting for the past month and a half. But that's not what happened, instead neither of us know what we're doing or how to navigate our feelings. It's like we're blindly searching for the solution instead of coming together to look for it as a unit. It doesn't help that my confidence is starting to wane, and I'm not even sure if he really wants to be together like I initially thought. I can't help but wonder what an accomplished surgeon 8 years my senior could see in a college student that basically harassed him for weeks until he confessed.

"He confessed."

"So, you guys are dating!"

"No. We're in this weird place right now, I don't even know how the fuck to describe it. It's obvious both of us want more but we aren't taking any initiative. It's weird."

"Yeah, that is really weird." Petra deadpans, and I shoot her a glare. She's supposed to be consoling me, not shattering the little confidence I have about the situation left.

Just fucking kidding. Like Petra could ever get under my skin.

"Fuck you, Petra."

"Sorry, I can't. I'm too busy trying to suck on your sisters titties."

"I swear to god-"

"Levi, are you coming to my apartment tomorrow?" Hanji's voice interrupts me and Petra's bickering as I move to strangle her, and I shoot her a confused glance as I lower my hands from Petra's neck.

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