Chapter 12

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"Why are you calling me."

"I can't check up on my younger brother? Shit, you act like I'm some kind of heartless harpy."

If I was on The Office, I would be giving the camera a look right now.

"What do you want?" I reiterate with a sigh into the phone, absentmindedly playing with the messy strands of Eren's hair as he lays next to me, still not having woken up yet.

"You know what, fuck you. Your friends wouldn't treat me like this."

"That's because they want to fuck you, there's a difference."

"As they should. Anyways, I actually wanted to let you know I'm kind of concerned about Hiroaki's leg, since you live with his surgeon I was wondering if maybe you could talk to him about it-" The distant sound of something breaking comes through the phone, and I move it away from my ear as I prepare for the inevitable screech that will come through.


Called it.

I scroll idly through Twitter as my sister scolds her son for running around in the kitchen again and breaking another glass, contemplating hanging up. Eren stirs next to me, blearily blinking his eyes to adjust to the bright morning light before groaning and rolling over to bury himself under the covers. Like a cute little....something. I can't remember what types of animals have burrows.

An exasperated sigh comes into the phone after the commotion is finally over. "Sorry about that....what was I saying again?"

"Don't care, don't remember."

"Right! Hiroaki's leg. Seriously Levi, he's been having trouble running around and sometimes he limps, I'm worried he might not be healing well. Can you talk to Eren so I can know if it's serious enough to take him back to the hospital? That fee is something else and I don't want to pay it if it's not urgent."

A plan formulates in my mind to take care of the one thing I've been avoiding the past week and a half; telling Mikasa that Eren and I are now dating. It's not that I'm scared she won't accept it--I know she will--the issue is that with anyone I've ever shown an ounce of interest in she goes right into lawyer mode and starts interrogating, trying to break them down and see if they're "worthy." I think it's an older sister thing.

Nonetheless, Eren doesn't deserve to go through that, hence my reluctance. "I can just bring him to your house, he has the day off today. I'm sure he won't mind."

"Seriously? I didn't think you guys were close enough for him to do you a favor like that."

"Yeah, well, we're dating so, I'm pretty sure doing favors for your boyfriend is a normal thing."

"Wait, WHA-"

I hang up the phone, throwing it off somewhere in the bed to turn to Eren and shake his shoulder lightly, turning his body over so he lays on his back and I can place a quick kiss on his lips.

"Get up, Eren. We're going to my sisters."

"Nghh....nooo....please let me sleep. You know I'm sleep deprived."

"We all are, Eren. That's no excuse."


The door slams open almost as soon as I ring the doorbell on Mikasa's cute little one-story house, the white picket fence and roses planted outside practically shaking from the force of the door opening.

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