Chapter 21

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We stumble into the dark apartment with hands mapping each other's bodies and lips pressed together, narrowly avoiding a fall over a random out of place shoe in the middle of the entry.

Eren breaks apart with a moan, shooting me some serious bedroom eyes as he speaks. "Come on Levi, bedroom. Now."

I don't respond verbally, instead snaking my hands under his thighs and lifting him into the air, making a beeline for the bedroom and depositing him onto the bed haphazardly. I follow him down, connecting our lips in another deep kiss as I remove his pants and sweater, throwing them off behind us before leaning up and slipping my shirt off.

"God, if there's one thing I missed, it was this." Eren says as he takes a light grip on my length where it bulges out through my sweatpants, sending sparks of pleasure coursing up and through me and causing a groan to escape my lips.

"I just missed you," I say before I can stop myself, and Eren pauses in his fondling to look up at me, a contemplative look in his eyes. I shoot him a small smile and nod slightly to say 'Yes. I really did,' and his face breaks out into a grin as he pulls me back on top of him, our bodies falling into the familiar rhythm of heat and passion they were robbed of the past two weeks.

Our bodies are practically glued together as we move against each other, the coil in our stomachs going tighter and tighter until it's practically unbearable, Eren sobbing into my mouth as our lips trade heartfelt kisses and his hand's grip onto me like a lifeline. It's burning, boiling hot as I whisper 'I love you' into his skin over and over again, his voice returning the words to me as he cries out from every deep thrust of my cock into his slick heat. The coil in each of us snaps at the same time, Eren arching into me with a silent cry as I bury my face into his neck, shuddering from the onslaught of pleasure, but also the overwhelming feeling of love for the man underneath me.

We separate as a sticky, sweaty mess, I flop down beside him before he places himself against my side and rests his head on my chest, glancing up at me after we catch our breath to shoot me a sweet smile.

"We should probably talk..." He starts, a slight grimace on his face as he trails off, no doubt dreading this conversation the same way I am.

I guess I did say to 'save the apologies for later' though.

"Yeah. We should." Eren moves away and sits up with his legs crisscrossed, the sheets tangling around his waist to give him some modesty as I shift to sit up against the headboard.

"....Your dick is out."

"That's not important right now."

"....I'm going to get distracted."

I move the sheets so they're draped over my lap, god forbid Eren gets distracted, and give him a moment after he sighs deeply to start talking.

"I know I already said it, but, I'm sorry Levi. I jumped to conclusions instead of communicating with you which was immature, and I let my insecurity get the best of me, which was also immature. I just...." He cuts himself off with another sigh, and I reach out to take his hand in mine when I see he's struggling to get the words out.

"I've had some...bad experiences in previous relationships, I thought I was over that, but I just can't help being insecure sometimes. I can't help but wonder when you're going to leave me for someone your own age, even when you tell me that's not what you want."

"And I guess....when I saw you with Isabel, even though you told me she was just a friend, all the ugly thoughts just reared their head and I just spiraled in my own thoughts." His eyes finally meet mine again, and I give his hand a squeeze when I see the slight wetness in them.

"Honestly, I get insecure sometimes too, Eren. It happens to the best of us. Sometimes I think about how accomplished you are and how you could literally probably have anyone you want, but you chose a college student who is currently failing two classes-"

"Levi! You're failing classes?!" Eren interrupts, giving me a scandalous look.

"We can get into that later," I quickly change the subject, he's probably going to yell at me about it later, but that's not important right now. "The point is, I get just as insecure as you, and I also do a shit job at letting you know. I think....I think we both need to do better at talking to each other," A snort escapes me before I can stop it, and I shake my head slightly before continuing. "I mean, technically the whole reason any of this started was because I was too insecure to just tell you straight up I love you."

"I agree with you, going forward we'll communicate better and also reassure each other." A smile spreads out on his face as he chuckles lightly under his breath. "We both fucked this one up, huh?"

"Astronomically," I scoff, a moment of silence passing between us before I give his hand another squeeze, intertwining my fingers with his. "But we figured it out, right?"

His smile grows impossibly wider before he leans in to plant a kiss on my lips. "Yeah. We did."

We spend the rest of the afternoon laying together and talking more about how each of us feel and things we can do better, but my mind isn't really present throughout the conversation. I keep thinking back to how none of this would even be happening if we hadn't met by coincidence in the grocery store, and we could still both be miserable and wallowing in 'what ifs.' I guess I'll have to thank Hanji and their partners for sending me on a grocery run.

Thinking back to the store causes a realization to occur in me, and I sit up abruptly, interrupting Eren and displacing his place against me.

"....and I think that- Levi? What's wrong?"

"....You like pickle flavored potato chips?"

His eyes narrow as he glares at me. "I don't want to hear it from you, Mr. Failing Two Classes."

Shit. I really hoped he forgot about that comment. Looks like I'm getting yelled at.

Quick note- This will be my last update for around a week and a half/two weeks, mainly because I am expeditiously busy right now but also because I don't have the other chapters written lmfao. This is called poor planning my friends.

Also, there are only 3 more chapters left in the main storyline, and then I'm announcing something new!

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