Chapter 6

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"Goddamn it's cold out here!" Petra exclaims as we step out the back entrance of Starbucks, pulling her hood up and wrapping her arms around herself.

"Maybe if you wore more than a hoodie, you would be fine."

"You're wearing a hoodie too."

I don't want to acknowledge the fact that she's right about my hypocrisy, so instead I glare at a passing toddler who looks at me for too long.

We fall into conversation about classes and the group of screeching middle schoolers who came in losing their minds over a new Ariana Grande music video as we make the short walk back to campus, but my original plan of dropping her off at her dorm gets dismantled in front of my eyes.

"Ooh." She groans suddenly, stopping in her tracks. I continue walking because I have shit to do, places to be, but stop and head back to her when I see she's hunched over and gripping her stomach with a grimace.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask in confusion, which quickly gets replaced by concern when she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "Whats going on?"

"My cramps just hit me out of nowhere- holy shit." She whines, hunching over further.

I suddenly remember how she has endometriosis, and although Petras' entire existence is to nag the shit out of me, no one deserves to suffer the pain she's going through, and I find myself offering to help. "You can come back to my place, Eren has a heating pad you can use and pain relievers until you feel better enough to come back to campus."

"Are you sure? I don't want to-"

"Since when have you ever cared about not imposing on someone? You fall asleep on people all the time in class and constantly make me do your orders because you slack off at work," She frowns, and I frown right back, relaying how stupid she looks to her. "Come on, let's go."


"Holy shit, sweet mercy, Jesus christ, thank you god-"

"I'm seriously considering taking away the heating pad if you don't shut the fuck up."

"You know what I realized? For every good action you do, your asshole levels go up tenfold. It's like you try to cancel out the fact that you can actually be a decent human being by reminding everyone that you are in fact not."

"Alright, give me the pad-"

"JUST KIDDING!" She exclaims loudly before continuing in a rehearsed monotone. "I am sorry Levi, I did not mean it. You are my lord and savior, I am thankful for all that you do. I won't mistake my place next time."

I roll my eyes before sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down on her satisfied, sprawled out form. "That was weird, you act like I'm some kind of heartless monster who will murder you if you don't please me."

She gives me a look.

"Fuck you, Petra."

"You wish," She grins before shifting so she lays on her side. "Where's your roommate?"

"At work."

"How's your little plan coming along?"

I frown as I mull over her question in my head, how is my plan going? I thought it was going fantastic, the sight of Eren's cute little blush at my advances or sheepish smile becoming a frequent occurrence, but it doesn't seem to be going further than that. I thought he would be all over me by now, gagging to suck my massive, succulent cock, but that's not happening, and I'm not the most patient guy. A small part of me gets more and more discouraged as the days go by and I still don't receive any reciprocation, and I can feel the initial confidence I started with dwindling, but I don't want to push it. I know I basically insinuated Eren has no other choice than to succumb to my whims, but I don't want him to feel forced or be unwilling, I do want his eventual infatuation with me (because I know he's going to go bonkers for me, how could he not? I mean, come on.) to happen naturally. My method of doing that might be questionable in some people's eyes, but if there's one thing I am, it's blunt, and when I want something I'm going to go get it.

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