Chapter 1

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Dark slacks strain against the juicy goodness that is this sexy doctor's ass, showing off his assets in the most flattering way possible. It should be against workplace rules for him to show up with his bubble butt accentuated like this. Fuck, I would sink into it, jiggling as my hips slam into his from behind, fucking him into the mattress-

"....Is your brother alright? He seems a little spaced out?"

"I'm sure he's fine, probably just tired."

I blink once and pull myself out of the spell that Dr. Jaeger's thick ass has put me in, clearing my throat and looking away from the glorious booty. "Sorry, I was just thinking back to the assignment I abandoned to bring Hiroaki here."

His eyes light up in understanding as he shoots a small, apologetic smile my way. "Ah, I remember being a college student, always waiting until the last minute to get my work done!" A cute giggle escapes his lips before he continues. "Well, since Farlan's mother is here, you're free to leave and get back to the rest of your night."

I really need to leave, really need to work on that damn essay that's been giving me a headache for days, but going back to Mikasa's means leaving his fine ass behind, and I'm not sure if that's something I really want to do. The devil on my shoulder is telling me to stay, maybe even flirt a little and take a shot at getting his number, but the angel is adamant about the essay being completed, and for one of the first times in my life, I decide to listen to the little holy fucker.

"Great," I start, pulling my hoodie back on from where it lays discarded on the chair I was previously sitting on. "I'm going to head back to your place to get my things before going back to my apartment"

Mikasa scoffs before nodding, I can tell she wants to ream into me once more but relents, and I silently thank whatever god is up there for saving me from her screeching. "FIne, I'll see you this weekend for family dinner."

"Have a good rest of your night, Mr. Ackerman." Dr. Jaeger says, shooting me a bright grin that tempts to me stay behind anyways, but I simply give him a nod in response and turn to get the fuck out of the hospital room before I decide to set up camp to stare at that ass forever.

"Levi? Would you like to share with the class what you thought about the assigned reading last class?"

I snap out of my daydream from a couple nights ago, thoughts of bright eyes fading away as I glance down at the assigned reading of the first two chapters of Dracula....that I absolutely have not read.


"Any Day now, Mr. Ackerman. We're waiting."

Fuck this professor, and fuck this stupid ass class, I knew I should've taken Creative Writing with Sasha, but instead I chose the shithole of Gothic Literature. However, if there's one thing I've gotten good at during college other than consuming exuberant amounts of coffee, it's bullshitting, and I'm about to do just that.


"Can I get a venti caramel macchiato with chocolate syrup and shavings, extra whipped cream, and...." The girl in front of me trails off as she looks down at her phone with furrowed brows, probably reading someone's complicated ass order that Sasha or Petra will have the misfortune of making. "Oh! And replace the regular milk with almond milk please."

I punch the rest of the order into the register, sighing as the ancient machine malfunctions again before giving it a solid whack on the side, starling the girl in front of me as a questionable mechanical sound comes from it.

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