Chapter 14

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"We'll start the test in around five minutes. I'm going to head to the bathroom." My professor practically runs out the door after she finishes speaking. She must have been holding it for a while.

"How long do you think she's been waiting to go?"

Petra scoffs as she types on her phone, responding absentmindedly. "She's not going to the bathroom to pee, she probably got a text from her boyfriend and is going to send him a nude."

After a moment of silence, she finally looks up to meet my eyes. "What, why are you looking at me like that?"

"How do you even come up with that shit?"

"I think Hanji's rubbing off on me, to be honest."

"Disgusting. You should get tested for any contagious diseases."

And as if they could sense I was talking shit about them, Hanji bursts into the lecture hall, running down the steps to slide into the empty seat next to Petra, their brown hair in a messy ponytail and jacket haphazardly thrown on.

"Look who's late," Petra says in a teasing tone, receiving a smirk from Hanji in return.

"Sorry, I was too busy having sex with both my boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Did you drug Connie and Sasha to get them to agree to be with you?"

"No Levi, I did not. I am simply the sexiest human being on the planet and they couldn't resist."

I scoff, but don't get a chance to respond as our professor enters the room again and begins handing out the test.

As if the sexiest human being could be anyone but me.


"Do I look ok? Is this jacket tacky, or too much? I feel like these pants make my ass look flat..." Eren frowns as he looks over himself in the mirror, frantically smoothing out different areas of his outfit with an anxious look on his face.

"Calm down, Eren. One, the jacket is fine. And two, your ass could never look flat."

He shoots me a look over his shoulder before going back to his fussing. I can't take it anymore, so I walk over to him and grasp his shoulders, turning him away from the mirror to face me. "Calm down. What are you so nervous for? It's just your parents."

"That's the thing, Levi! It's because it's my parents I'm so nervous." A sigh escapes him as he moves to sit down on the edge of the bed, putting his head in his hands and looking the perfect image of a defeated man.

It's pathetic.

"Eren. The hell are you doing? Get up." He glances up at me to roll his eyes but doesn't put his face back in his hands.

"Leave me alone Levi. I'm stressed."

"No, you're being a little bitch. Where is the confident Eren that was here before? The one who didn't give a fuck what his mom said and went out and pursued what he wanted? Because this isn't him."


"I don't want to hear it, Eren. One of the things I admire about you is your drive and passion... and your ass, but that's different. So get up, and let's go."

Eren stares at me for a moment, clearly contemplating something before a wide grin graces his face and he stands, pulling me into a quick hug before leaning back and giving me a face full of bright eyes and an even brighter smile.

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