Chapter 13

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"Mmmm, that feels so good Levi.....don't stop."

"Heh, you like that?"

"Nghhhhh yeah, it's really- ah! Right there!"

"You want it harder?"

"Yes please."

"Alright," I respond as I press my hands into his shoulders harder, kneading the stiff muscle until it starts to give way as another loud groan escapes him.

"Ugh, that always hurts so bad but feels so good in the end. Thank you, Levi." He says as I finish up the massage and he sits up slowly, eyes blinking blearily like coming out of a trance.

"No problem-" My response is interrupted as "WAP" begins blasting out of my phone from the other side of the bedroom, and I sigh loudly as I realize who's calling.

"Is that Hanji?"

"I wish it was Hanji. It's my mom."

"Your mom likes Megan Thee Stallion?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I grumble as I move off the bed to answer the phone. "What."

"Are you guys done fucking yet? Me and Kenny are waiting outside."

If this had been anyone else other than my practically clinically insane mother and uncle, I might have been shocked or even upset they showed up unannounced to my place of living. But, this isn't anyone else, and I know if I don't let them in they'll act like clowns until I do. Or threaten to set the whole building on fire. Throwback to my first apartment.

"We weren't having sex, I was giving him a massage. I'll let you in in a minute."

"Hurry up! I'm wearing Prada heels today, they're not made to be stood in for long periods of time! I swear to God Levi, if you don't hurry up I'm going to beat your ass-"

*Click* There's nothing more satisfying than hanging up on someone.

"Who was that?" Eren asks as I throw my phone on the bed and turn back to him.

"My mom and uncle are here, I'm not even going to get into the details but you should probably get ready to meet them."

"WHAT?!" Eren scrambles out of the bed, rushing to throw a shirt on and something other than his Hannah Montana pajama pants while I head to the entrance to let them in.

"Took you long e-fucking-nough!" My mother scowls at me as I open the door, pushing past me and heading straight for the living room. Kenny gives me a sheepish smile.

"How have you been Levi?" He asks as I lead him through the apartment to meet my mother. "We heard about your boyfriend from Mikasa, and you know how your mother is. She has to meet him in person."

"He already got interrogated by Mikasa, he really doesn't need this right now. Can't you guys just leave and come back?"

"Oh, did we interrupt you guys fucking?"

"It was a MASSAGE!"

"Uh....h-hi Ms. Ackerman, I'm Eren."

My mother's head turns at the speed of light at the sound of Eren's voice, a pleasant smile spreading across her face as she stands to pull him down into a hug, smothering him in her chest.

"U-um, I can't really breathe Ms. Acker-"

"Ah, no need for that, you can call me Kuchel."

I raise an eyebrow at that, my mother absolutely despises everyone, even me and Mikasa. For her to act so friendly with Eren at first glance is a good thing. Hopefully. I'm not really sure, the woman is fucking crazy.

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