Chapter 4

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Wattpad is on crack and won't let me dedicate this chapter, but it is for Ackermans_love_420 <3


"Please stay, Dr. Eren? Pretty please?"

I shoot a warm smile down to the five year old looking up with me with pleading blue eyes, wiggling around in his hospital bed with his little fists clenched.

"It's time for me to eat lunch, Christopher. I'll see you again tomorrow, don't worry."

He reluctantly lowers his raised fists and looks down at them for a moment before meeting my eyes again. "Ok....I'll miss you."

"Awe, I know you will. Rest well, and make sure you take the medication your nurse gives you!"


I give the small boy a quick wave before I exit the room, quickly making my way to the cafeteria and internally cheering when I see the hot lunch for the day is chicken tenders. Call me childish, but I do work with kids, after all.

"Seriously, chicken tenders? Are you a ten year old?" Jean says as I sit down, and I don't like the judgmental look he gives me over his salad so I smack my lips loudly in the way I know bothers him as I bite into the first piece of chicken. Salad eaters are always so pretentious, and the added layer of Jean's general assholeish-ness makes it worse.

"Actually, I'm seven, get it right."

"I hate you."

"You love me, probably as much as Armin."

He opens his mouth to respond but shuts it with an accommodating nod. "Got me there."

"Speaking of Armin, how have you guys been? He's all moved in right?"

"Yeah, he unpacked his last box yesterday, and we've already made sweet love on every surface of the apartment. Had to christen the place," A cocky smirk spreads across his lips as he finishes, and I resist the urge to bring up the fact he shouldn't be so cocky when he lets a 120 pound twink top him. I'll let him entertain himself.

"Who cares about me and Armin, let's get into the real tea."

I scrunch my face up in disgust as I lower my bottle of water from my lips. "Jean, we're 28, we should never be saying the words 'real tea.' Please stop."

"No. But seriously Eren! Now that you're living alone, you should go out and explore, take some people back to the apartment, get some dick-"

"No," I interrupt him, a flashback to Armin's similar words going through my mind quickly, the uncanny similarity scaring me slightly. A true match made in heaven, the assholes. "And I'm not living alone anymore, so I won't be able to do that."

His eyebrows practically shoot up to his eyebrows as he slams his drink down on the table, garnering us a few looks from the other staff members on break. "You already found a boyfriend?"

"No!" I exclaim in frustration, smiling apologetically at the glare one of the nurses shoots me over her phone, immediately dropping it when she rolls her eyes in response. Fuck that nurse, I never liked her anyways, always late for her appointments with my patients.

"Then how did you get a new roommate so quickly? Wait, don't tell me you're saying it's not a boyfriend because it's more of a sugar daddy type of thing....Eren, are you paying someone to-"

"Sometimes I wish you would think before you speak," He shoots me an unimpressed look and I give him one back, an exasperated sigh escaping my lips before I explain the situation, quickly running through the details which leaves me unable to catch my slip up until Jean looks at me like he knows something I don't, unease washing over me as I finish up the story.

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