Chapter 10

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If you had told me I would be sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast with Eren a few days after our newfound boyfriend status a month ago...I would've believed you. Because I'm the best, and it would only make sense that my plan would be a complete success.

It still feels surreal, though, to be able to call this sexy, intelligent, adorable, funny, amazing man mine. And to be able to enjoy domestic moments like this with him, letting him give me a cute little goodbye kiss before I head off to classes, or just enjoying each other's company before we're thrust out into the stressful shitshow that is our everyday lives.

"Hey Levi, how has Hiroaki been doing?"

I look up from my plate of scrambled eggs into turquoise eyes sparkling with curiosity, and if I thought Hiroaki was the only one to melt an Ackerman's cold, bitter heart, he definitely has some competition now.

It's disgusting to like him this much.

"Mikasa told me he's been more active, she lets him play at the playground with his friends and run around a little bit since he says his leg doesn't bother him as much."

His eyes shine impossibly brighter with contentment, and a wide grin spreads across his face. "Oh, I'm so glad! I was a little nervous after I discharged him only because he suffered a major fracture, I thought I might have been releasing him too soon. I was almost sure he was going to still be feeling some discomfort and definitely didn't expect him to be up and about at this point. Well, just make sure Mikasa knows to keep an eye on him if he starts limping dramatically or experiences any pain, she can bring him back to the hospital and I can make sure everything's alright."

"You're so cute when you go into doctor mode," I say, smirking at the bright red flush that spreads across his cheeks from my compliment. "And sexy, yes, tell me about my nephew's broken fucking hot."

"Levi, please shut the fuck up."

Twin laughter echoes through the kitchen as we amuse ourselves through the rest of breakfast, frequent teasing flowing between the both of us as we wash our dishes and grab our coats, parting with a sweet kiss at the door before going our separate ways.

I step across the threshold with a warmth in my chest and a fluttering in my heart, already missing the sight of those bright eyes and smile to match.


"Ma'am, you've already drunk half of your drink. I can't give you a refund at this point."

"Why not?! This order is WRONG! You gave me the wrong order and expect me to be ok with that??" The Karen looks at me like I'm a fucking idiot, and I resist the urge to grab her by her shitty extensions and hurl her out of the store.

"Well, you drank half of it. If you had noticed it was the wrong order before you had some, this would be no issue. But you didn't. So bye." Any customer service-ness I had left (which isn't much to begin with) is sapped out of my body as I respond, and her eyes widen dramatically before she scoffs.

"I need to speak to your manager, this is unacceptable."

A long sigh escapes my lips as I mumble a "Fine.", heading into the back office to pass over this shitshow to someone who will actually care.

"Marco," I start as I poke my head into his office, brown eyes meeting mine as he looks up from his computer. "We have a code 5. A code Karen, I repeat, a code Karen."

He shoots an exasperated smile as he stands, patting me on the shoulder as he passes me. "I'll deal with it, you can take your break early Levi."

Sometimes I think Marco is too good for this world, a pure angel that should be protected at all costs. He doesn't deserve being called upon by Karens or Chads.

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