Chapter 17

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"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The large group of us cheer as the countdown reaches zero and we raise our champagne glasses up to clink together, the bubbly drink washing down my throat as I take a sip.

Levi pulls me into a quick kiss before slapping me on my ass and saying he has to go to the bathroom, and I glance around the room to take in an array of different sights. Armin and Jean profusely making out, Hanji chugging the bottle of champagne, Sasha stuffing her face with the New Year cupcakes, Petra and Mikasa also making out....



" Eren. Why aren't you paying attention to me, I should be the star of your show."

I blink once before putting away the memory of Levi strangling Petra as his sister cackled on the sidelines, shooting an apologetic smile at Levi as I focus in on him again. "Sorry, I got distracted. What were you saying?"

"I was telling you that the second semester starts up in a week and a half, so I'm not going to be around as much. Don't miss me too badly."

"Who says I would be the one missing you? We both know you can't live without me-" My words are cut off as the sound of Levi's phone ringing echoes through the air, and I glance down to see a caller ID of Isabel before handing him the phone.

"Thanks," He says as he answers the call, holding it up to his ear with an exasperated sigh. "What."

I can faintly hear what sounds like french coming through the phone, but don't pay much attention to it as I fall back into my thoughts, reminiscing on the eventful evening that was New Years' until I find myself succumbing to the exhaustion that takes over my body.

What can I say, dealing with children all day and then coming back to the giant child that is Levi is pretty damn tiring.


"I just feel like he hasn't really been listening to me recently, you know? Like, we've been together forever that I think he kind of forgets sometimes to take me seriously."

"Mmm," I hum in response as I walk into the apartment complex lobby, loosening up my scarf slightly as warm air washes over me.

"Like, remember when he wanted me to dress up as Santa so we could fuck? We ended up doing it-" Sometimes I think Armin and jean are a little too comfortable sharing their sex life with me.

"- but he just kept joking around when I said I seriously didn't want to do it. That's only one example of what I mean."

I listen to Armin as he tells me about his concerns with his and Jean's relationship as I make my way up the elevator and to my apartment, chiming in every so often when he asks for my input. It's a little strange, honestly. They've been together since their freshman year of college and have always seemed like the type of relationship to be problem-free since they fit together so well. You put two little shits together, and that's basically Armin and Jean.

"I just don't know, Eren. Am I being sensitive or something?"

"I mean, it seems like this has been really bothering you, I think you should talk to him about it. I don't think you're being sensitive."

"Great, because I never want to be a little bitch," Armin pauses as I can distantly hear Jean calling for him. "I gotta go, I'll text you later."

"Let me know how it goes, bye." I hang up the phone as I open the door to my apartment, already opening my mouth to call out to Levi when instead the words in my throat die off as I see a short redhead woman standing in the kitchen with him.

"Levi? Who is this?" I ask as I walk further into the apartment, slipping off my jacket and scarf along the way.

He startles slightly before turning to face me, gesturing to the woman next to him as he speaks. "This is Isabel, a friend of mine."

"Oookay?" I respond, still unsure as to why a random woman is standing in my kitchen grinning like a maniac.

She steps forward after an awkward moment of silence, reaching a hand out that I gingerly take and shake. "Levi's shit at introductions, I'm Isabel, and I actually just got back from a study abroad in France this morning. I don't have my housing yet, and Levi told me I could crash here for the night. If that's not okay with you I can totally leave." She finishes with a grin as wide as the one she started with, and I really don't see any reason why she could be lying.

Not only that, Levi tolerates her, so that must mean something.

"No, it's totally fine with me, I would've liked a little warning though," I shoot a quick glare at Levi, and he winces slightly before I turn back to Isabel with a smile. "I'm Eren, nice to meet you."


I turn over in the bed for what seems like the millionth time as the sound of loud laughter comes through the bedroom door from the living room, Levi and Isabel had gone off to catch up after dinner leaving me to clean up and do my night routine alone. After sleeping with Levi every night for a few months, the absence of the feeling of his body pressed up against mine feels unfamiliar, and I can't fall asleep. What happens when I can't fall asleep? I think, specifically overthink, which is exactly what I'm doing right now.

Isabel's appearance had caught me off guard, but what caught me more off guard is the relationship between her and Levi. He said she's a friend of his, but the way they interact seems a little....close to me, much closer than Hanji, or Petra, or even Erwin. He easily laughs with her, they share inside jokes, and all throughout dinner I couldn't help but feel slightly left out as they communicated in French on occasion. I know it's just my insecurity from past relationship experiences dealing with being cheated on speaking, but my mind can't help but put up a few red flags.

But, I know Levi would never cheat, I know he wouldn't. He's not like that.

The sound of Isabel's and Levi's loud laughter reaches my ears again, and I turn over again, swallowing down the sour insecurity that bubbles up to the surface. Levi. Wouldn't. Cheat.

"Ah, it's been so long since we've been like this! I've missed you, Lev's."

"I missed you too, Isabel."

I repeat it again, before closing my eyes and burrowing myself into the covers. Levi wouldn't cheat.


Quick note- Happy new year everyone, I hope you are all safe and healthy! I will not be uploading next Sunday but the Sunday after and will not be on Wattpad in general because I have a series of doctors appointments and hospital visits over the next week that will be occupying my time. Don't worry, everything should be fine! I just have a lot of health conditions lmao. Thank you all for reading, I will see you soon <3

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