Chapter 23

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Leila's POV: 

The night that Durmstrang and Beauxbatons arrived Fred and George threw the craziest party you could imagine.  And no...the visiting schools weren't invited.  Fred and George simply wanted to celebrate that a Hogwarts student was gonna 'kick the foreigners' asses' whomever they may be.  

The party was held in the Gryffindor common room, but was unlike any party I've been to before.  All four houses were invited.  The music was pulsing through my veins as I tried to navigate the common room.  

Finally pushing and shoving my way through dozens of people I found Cedric with a drink in his hand.  I smiled and grabbed his drink to take a sip.  

"Ah look who found me," Cedric smiled as I handed his cup back to him.  It was chocolate liqueur. 

"Leila," someone spat behind me as I talked with Cedric.  The person grabbed me by my arm and whipped me around.  Draco...of course. 

"What?" I asked.  Before I could release my arm from his grip he dragged me up the stairs towards the boys dormitories.  "Draco this is the guys'," I stuttered as I tripped up the stairs. 

"I don't care," he spat over his shoulder before pulling me into a room.  

"What do you want?" I asked again. 

"What happened Ley?  I saw what you the World C-Cup.  And then you disappear for the rest of the summer?  Mum was a wreck," Draco stammered. 

"I-I just decided to stay where I was," I replied, feeling my heart break as the words sunk in.  My mother was a wreck...but she didn't write to me? 

"You don't know what you saw at the Cup," I added. 

"Dad saw it too," Draco replied, staring me down.  I avoided his eye, though I knew it wasn't going to help.  They knew I was a healer...but at least they didn't know the extent of it...they didn't know I could bring the dead back to life. 

I sat on the bed nearest to me and suddenly realized I was in Fred and George's dorm.  Looking at the nightstand next to Fred's bed I saw a moving picture of Fred, George, Hermione, Harry, Ron and I.  My smile in the picture was the biggest of all. 

Glancing back over to where Draco was I saw how upset he look. 

"How long have you known you were a healer?" he asked me. 

"I-I do-....last year," I said, finally giving up.  He knew I was a healer.  There was no point in hiding that fact.  I could, however, hide everything else. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Draco asked.  I looked up at him and saw hurt in his eyes.  "Because it's not that serious," I replied, trying to brush it off. 

"It is...Dad he-he's really happy about your powers Ley," Draco started, but I stood up and cut him off. 

"I think Cedric is calling me," I blurted out, rushing over to the door.  

"Oh that's the other thing Ley...are you serious?  That piece of shit?" Draco spat. I ignored him and ran out of the dormitory, disappearing once again into the crowd. 

Not two minutes later I found Fred and George handing out giggle shots.  I took one, let out a hideous cackle that only my true friends know is my real laugh, and set the glass down. 

"God Ley your laugh is the best," George snickered as he waved his wand and refilled the glasses.  I took another shot, only this time I was able to cover my mouth to muffle the laugh. 

"Oi Leila," Cedric's voice said from my right. 

"Yea what's up?" I giggled (one of my favorite effects of giggle shots is the nonstop giggles).  "Your brother just threatened me...said if he sees me near you he's gonna tell his father," Cedric said.  Immediately I sobered up, trying my very best not to burst out laughing. 

"I'll talk to him...promise," I replied before kissing him. 

*3 weeks later*

It's been several weeks since the start of term, and the Triwizard Tournament is all anyone can talk about. 

"Do you think he'll give me his autograph?" Ron asked me as we walked into the Great Hall where Viktor Krum was entering his name into the Goblet of Fire. 

"If you're not weird about look like you're drooling," I joked as we took our seats on the benches to watch potential contestants enter their names. 

"Wish I could great to win," Ron rambled on once again.  I swear this competition is the only thing this kid thinks about...well, besides food. 

Not a moment later, Fred and George ran into the hall causing a ruckus.  Everyone began cheering and clapping for them...they had finally managed to make an aging potion to get past Dumbledore's age line. 

Completely ignoring Hermione's lecture on how dim-witted the twins were being, I watched them guzzle the potion and jump over the age line. 

They entered the slips of paper with their name on it and the entire hall burst into cheers. 

Then, of course, it backfired on them...

Fred and George were thrown to the side of the hall sprouting great gray beards. 

"You said!" George yelled. 

"NO you said!" Fred yelled back as the boys began wrestling on the ground. 

I laughed, rolling my eyes before going back to my conversation with Ron.  

"Who do you think the Hogwarts champion will be?" I asked Ron. 

"No idea..maybe Katie Bell?" Ron suggested.  

As we continued our discussion, Cedric walked in the hall, placed his name in the cup and left.  I looked down at my shoes.  I really hope it's Cedric.  He deserves it...he deserves to win. 

Author's Note: Hey everyone sorry for the inactivity.  I'm going to try to be a bit more regular, but work is getting busier along with school starting up again soon.  Love you all xoxo 

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