Chapter 20

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Leila's POV:

By the time we were all ready to begin walking to the Quidditch Cup, I was completely relaxed and happy.  

As we walked up the stadium stairs, Ron began to complain. 

"Blimey Dad, how far up ARE we?" Ron asked. 

"Well put it this way, if it'll be the first to know," someone's voice said from the stairs below us.  We all leaned over the railing to see who was talking to us. 

It was my father. 

"Father and I are in the Minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself," Draco joined in. 

"Don't boast Draco.  There's no need with these people," my dad began, but then his eyes caught mine. 

"Leila?  Get down," he snapped.  I looked away and up at my friends. 

"I have to go, guys, I'm sorry," I said to them before jumping down the stairs towards my father and brother. 

I was disappointed, of course.  I didn't want to leave my friends...but my father has been quite protective of Draco and I recently.  We weren't sure why. 

And so, my family and I watched the Quidditch Cup in the box with the Minister of Magic.  Draco was betting on the Bulgarians to win, but I bet on the Irish...I was right.  Draco owed me five galleons. 

"You totally cheated," Draco said as he tossed me a small pouch with the money in it. 

"How could I have cheated?" I asked as I counted the money to make sure it was all there. 

"Whatever...hey where's dad?" Draco asked. The two of us looked around and couldn't find our Father anywhere. 

"Must be outside the stadium already," Draco suggested as we walked down stair and stair to the exit. 

When we finally reached the exit, it was well into the night.  Half of the tents that laid out across the field had their lights out, and the others were still up and partying the Irish victory. 

"Ley!  Look," Draco pointed out.  There was fire, screams of terror and people running in all different directions. 

"It's the Death Eaters!" Draco cheered as he grabbed my hand and led me towards the commotion. 

I saw Fred and George and Ginny running my way as we ran towards the chaos.  "Leila no!" they shouted as they watched me getting pulled towards the Death Eaters by my brother.  

I tried shaking Draco off, but he was too strong.  He pulled me over to a nearby tent that hasn't been burned down yet and watched the commotion.  

"Leila come on," Fred said as he ran up to me.  "Leave now Weaselbe she's fine...she's not a blood traitor...she won't get hurt," Draco snapped.  

That's when I looked up at Fred and then at the group of Death Eaters marching towards us...and I saw my father's white-blonde hair.  It was peeking out through his mask. 

With one swift motion I released my wrist from Draco's grasp and ran up to the Death Eaters.  I tried to expose my show everyone around us who he was by ripping the mask off...but I didn't get very far.  

Another Death Eater saw what I was about to do, took out his wand and sent me flying in the air.  

I landed on a tent, which softened my fall, but I was still searing with pain. 

"Leila," Fred screamed, running up to me as I lay on the ground.  

"Are you alright?" he asked as he looked down at my arm that had a giant gash in it.  It was bleeding profusely, quickly forming a puddle of blood on the ground. 

"I'm fine I'm fine," I insisted holding my arm out to heal it myself.  

Waving my hand slowly over my injured arm, my skin healed itself. 

"Y-you," Fred began, but I cut him off. 

"No time we need to leave," I explained as I stood up and grabbed his hand.  

As I still, though, I caught my father's eye.  He had watched me heal myself...he knows. 

He looked at me with what I can only assume was total shock...I couldn't tell since his mask was on.  

"Leila you-you just exposed yourself in front of all those Death Eaters," Fred yelled as we ran towards safety.  

We had finally caught up with Ginny and George when we stopped running. 

"I know," I replied, shaking from head to toe.  

My father now knows I can heal with just a wave of my hand...what if he hands me over to the Death Eaters?  It is, after all, what happened to a lot of healers the last time Voldemort was in power and that is why healers never reveal themselves nowadays.  

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