Chapter 24

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Leila's POV: 

Halloween night was here before we all knew it: the night the Triwizard Tournament Champions were to be announced.

The entire school was buzzing with excitement, especially Ron, for the champions to be announced. 

As we piled in the Great Hall I took my seat in between Ron and Hermione.  Harry joined us shortly after with a box of Bertie Bott's Ever Flavor Jelly Beans he grabbed from the kitchen. 

"Sit down please," Dumbledore began, "And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!" 

The crowd whispered eagerly around me and I watched with high anticipation. 

Dumbledore approached the Goblet of Fire, it's blue flame erupting into a red one.  A piece of paper suddenly with a name on it. 

"The Durmstrang champion is...Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore announced.  

Cheers from both the Slytherins and Durmstrang boys filled the hall. 

Dumbledore approached the Goblet of Fire again. It spit out another name. 

"The champion from Beauxbatons...Fluer Delacour," Dumbledore announced.  All the ladies in blue satin robes jumped up and cheered for Fluer. 

Dumbledore shook Fluer's hand and motioned her towards the trophy room where the champions were told to go and wait. 

Dumbledore then approached the Goblet of Fire once again as it spit out another name. 

"The Hogwarts champion...Cedric Diggory," Dumbledore cheered.  My heart started to pound out of my chest.  Cedric...he did it.  I was so happy for him that I stood up on my seat along with Ron and Harry and cheered him on. 

"Excellent!  We now have our three champions!  But in the end, only one will go down in history.  Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory...the tri-wizard cup!" Dumbledore bellowed, pointing to the gleaming trophy on display at the teacher's table. 

Every that was clapping and cheering was quickly silenced by the Goblet of Fire that was glowing red once again.  Dumbledore approached it cautiously as a fourth name spit out of the cup. 

"Harry Potter....Harry Potter?" Dumbledore called.  The Great Hall erupted into confused whispers as Ron, Hermione and I looked from each other to Harry. 

Harry on the other hand looked petrified.  His face was a pale white and I could practically hear his heart beating out of his chest. 

"Go on Harry," Hermione said, nudging her friend to a standing position.  

Glancing down the table we were sitting at I saw Fred and George.  I was hoping it was one of their hilarious pranks, but judging by the looks on their faces they were just as confused as we all were. 

Turning my attention back to Hermione and Ron I saw how stiff Ron became.  His face was red with jealousy and his knuckles were white. 

Hermione didn't seem to take notice, but Ron knew I did.  He looked at me with anger in his eyes.

Placing my hand gently onto his I felt his hand tense, then relax. 

Hermione took notice, but I could tell she was pretending she didn't see it.  Of course, I knew she had feelings for Ron and I didn't, but someone needed to calm this boy down before he punched something. 

"Everyone...back to your dorms," Hagrid said as Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall disappeared into the trophy room behind Harry. 

"Want to get some fresh air?" I asked Ron as we waited for most of the Great Hall to clear out.  He nodded as he watch Hermione walk up to Hagrid, no doubt to talk about how on earth Harry could've entered his name into the Goblet. 

Author's Note: 

Hey everyone, I missed you all.  Schools been crazy, but I'm going to make time to write for you all.  Thanks for all the support recently!!!! XOXO

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