Chapter 26

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Leila's POV: 

"It's dragons," Harry said to Hermione and I.  We looked at each other, fear pooling in our eyes. 

"So that's why Ron's brother is here," Hermione stated.  Ever since Harry was forced to become a TriWizard champion, Ron and him haven't spoken.  It's been so awkward and tense that I try and avoid being near both of them at the same time.  

I understand both sides of Ron and Harry's fight, of course, but Harry is really suffering right now.  People, and by people I mean my horrible brother, have made 'Potter Stinks' buttons that more than half the school is wearing. 

"Which one?" I asked, pulling myself into the conversation once more.

"Charlie.  He brought the dragons from Romania," Harry explained. 

"It looks like Fluer and Krum already know too...I should tell Cedric shouldn't I?" Harry asked.  

"I don't condone cheating Harry, but if everyone else already knows.." Hermione began, clearly struggling with the idea of not following the rules. 

I rolled my eyes at her.  If Harry wasn't going to tell Cedric I would.  He was nervous enough for the first task as it is.  I was going to help my boyfriend anyway I could.

"I'll tell him after class," Harry replied. 

*A few hours later* 

"So my parents are coming to watch the first task," Cedric said to me as we sat outside in the courtyard. 

It was a sunny day; barely any clouds in the sky. 

"That's exciting," I said, squeezing his hand. 

"Has Harry talked to you-" I began, but was cut off. 

"Cedric...can I have a word?" Harry asked as he walked up to us. 

"I'll catch up with you Ced," I answered, pushing Cedric up from his seat to talk privately with Harry. 

Lucky for me, Fred just walked outside into the courtyard and was heading my way. Fred took his seat right next to me, and pulled out a snack for us to share. 

Cedric's POV: 

"Dragons.  That's the first task.  They've got one for each of us," Harry explained. 

My heart sunk.  Dragons?  Are these people crazy?  I can't fight a dragon. 

"Are you serious?  And Fluer and Krum do they..." I began, but Harry cut me off. 

"Yes, they know," Harry replied. 

"Right," I answered, trying to hide the fact that my heart was about to pound out of my chest. 

"Hey listen, about the badges.  I've asked them not to wear them," I explained to Harry.  I really did tell my friends not to wear them, but they find them rather funny. 

Before I could say anything else, Harry stalked off to talk to Ron.  

I turned back to the bench Leila and I were sitting only to find Fred in my seat.  He had a bag of crisps in his hand and a drink in the other.  I watched Leila grab his drink and sip it.  After she handed the drink back to him, her nose scrunched up as she giggled at his words.  I scoffed, and turned back around to go inside the castle. 

Leila's POV: 

"So did you hear the rumor that there's gonna be a dance this year?" Fred asked as I dug my hand in the bag for another crisp. 

"No that sounds like fun, though," I replied. 

"Do you think George is gonna have the balls to ask Alicia?" Fred asked, and I laughed loudly. 

"Sure hope so...he's been crushing on her for a while," I replied, looking up to see if Cedric was still talking with Harry. 

I only caught the back of Cedric's head as he walked back into the castle. 

Just as I was about to get up and follow him, another voice caught my attention. 

"Why so tense Potter?  My father and I have a bet you see.  I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament.  He disagrees.  He thinks you won't last five," Draco yelled.  Fred and I turned around to see my twin jumping down from the courtyard's tree to face Harry. 

"Should we go help Harry?" Fred asked. 

"I'll go I've got this," I said to Fred before standing up and walking over to where Harry was. 

"I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy.  He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic," Harry spat. 

It was weird watching someone stand up to my brother like that besides me.  Harry usually stood up to him, but this entire year he's been distant, not caring what taunts my brother throws at him. 

"Nice one Harry," I mutter just loud enough for Harry to hear.  He smiles at me, before placing a hand on my arm and leading me away. 

"How dare you-" my brother says from behind us. 

Before I knew what was happening, Harry pushed me aside and Professor Moody charged towards my brother. 

"I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned," Moody screamed, waving his wand and turning my brother into a ferret. 

I watched as Draco squirmed, flying up and down in midair, and then was eventually put down Goyle's pants. 

Harry and I took one look at each other and burst into tears of laughter.  

"Professor Moody what are you doing?" Professor McGonagall's voice called out from behind us.  She marched right up to him. 

"Teaching," Moody snarled. 

"Is that-is that a student?" she asked. 

"Technically it's a ferret," Mad-eye snarled.  

McGonagall waved her wand quickly, and Draco was unfortunately turned back into his annoying self in an instant. 

"My father will hear about this!" he screamed as Harry and I continued laughing. 

"Is that a threat?  I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy!" Moody screamed at Draco. 

Harry and I were laughing far too much to pay attention to anything but Draco's horrified face as he ran away from Moody. 

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