Chapter 4

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Leila's POV:

As the feast appeared in front of me, I was not hungry at all.  "I'll be right back," I said to Luna, muttering something about going to find a bathroom.  

I stepped out of the Great Hall and leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath.  

How could I be in Ravenclaw?  

"Ley," a voice came from right outside the Great Hall.  I turned and saw my brother.  "Dad's gonna be furious...but we will get you into Slytherin," Draco said.  "Why are you even out here?  You were just so mean to me in there...I saw the nasty look," I said, folding my arms in front of me.  "No no Ley...that was for Potter.  He was sitting right behind you at the Gryffindor table," Draco explained.  

"Draco you can't tell dad," I replied.  "Ley he's gonna find out anyways.  He knows everything," Draco said, putting an arm around my shoulder.  

As Draco and I discussed who would be the one to tell our parents about my sorting, Fred and George walked by.  "Congrats Leila.  Ravenclaw is second best to Gryffindor!" Fred said, smirking as him and his brother walked by.  I smiled, but said nothing since Draco was right there.  "Those two?  Those Weasleys are your friends aren't they?  The ones you met on the train?" Draco asked, becoming more and more furious by the moment.  

I avoided Draco's eyes and said nothing.  "No wonder you were sorted into Ravenclaw, then.  Have fun telling Dad," he scoffed, before walking back to the Great Hall. 

It took me several moments to compose myself and reenter the Great Hall, and when I did, I managed to eat a bit of food.  "Hey Leila," Cedric said as he sat right next to me.  "You okay?" he asked as I finished my mashed potatoes.  "I was supposed to be in Slytherin," I muttered, ashamed at myself for being so upset over this.  "Ravenclaw is a great house, trust me, Slytherins are nothing but a bunch of bullies," he answered, making me laugh.

"I'll see you around...enjoy your food," he said with a smile before going over to greet his friends. 

When the feast was finished, the Ravenclaw prefects showed us to our dorms in the Ravenclaw Tower.  I was in a dormitory with Luna, and a girl named Cho.  Both of them seemed really nice so far, and despite the fact that I'm not in Slytherin, I was secretly excited to get to know these girls. 

The next day was our first day of classes, and I woke up hours before I needed to purely from nerves.  I quietly changed into my robes, and was one of the first people down at the Great Hall for breakfast.  "Leila!" a voice called from the entrance of the Great Hall as I sat and ate.  I turned to see Fred and George walking towards me.  "Hey guys," I said happily as I ate a piece of toast.  "Did you get your schedule yet?" the boys asked in sync.  I shook my head 'no', planning to pick it up after breakfast.  "Thought so," George laughed as he held out a piece of paper that was my schedule.  "Thanks guys," I said, taking the schedule and reading it over.  

Fred and George plopped themselves down at the Ravenclaw table, so I was in between them.  "This one sorta sucks," Fred pointed out on my schedule.  "Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, and Slytherins all have potions together?" I asked, hoping I didn't read that correctly.  "The dungeon classrooms are huge, so they can fit a lot of students in during one class.  I suppose Hufflepuffs are on their own because they've got so many first years," George explained. 

As I continued to review my schedule, I saw my first class was in fact potions with the Gryffindors and Slytherins.  I tossed my schedule aside onto the table and continued eating as Fred and George began to pile their plates.  "So you guys can eat at whatever table you want?" I asked them.  "Yea of course.  Dumbledore is all about inter-house-mingling," George laughed.  

When we finished breakfast, we still had a half hour before classes started, and that's when Draco walked in to the Great Hall.  "I'm gonna go," I said to the twins before standing up.  "We'll come with you," they said in unison, clearly noticing my discomfort as soon as my brother walked in. 

"We can show you where your potions class is," Fred said as he swung his arm around my shoulder.  He steered me through the giant crowd of people wanting breakfast, and we walked down towards the dungeons. 

The further underground we went, the colder it got, and I shivered quietly.  "Best to bring a sweater with you next time to wear under your robes," George said as he began shivering as well.  "Trust only gets colder, especially the winter months," Fred added. 

When we reached where my class was, the boys left to go find their own classroom.  "Hi!  I'm Hermione Granger," a girl who was approaching said to me.  "Hey I'm Leila," I replied, noting her Gryffindor robes.  "Pleasure," she replied before talking about this potions class.  Apparently, she already read the entire textbook we'd be using, and completed this week's homework.  "I didn't even think we'd have homework on the first day," I shrugged.  "I think Snape is a bit of a hard-ass," Hermione whispered.  I laughed at her joke, suddenly feeling proud of myself for making another friend.  "Come sit with me and my friends," she insisted once the classroom doors opened and we were allowed inside.  

I followed Hermione to the front of the class and sat behind her.  I noticed that Harry Potter sat next to her, and their friend, Ron, sat on my right.  "You're Malfoys twin sister?" Ron asked as we unpacked our books.  I nodded, knowing this can't be good.  "I'm sorry for you," he joked, making me laugh.  "I heard that Weasel-b, don't you dare talk to my sister again," Draco said, marching up to the two of us.  I hadn't even realized he was in this class, but then I remembered that Slytherins were with us two.  "Draco stop," I groaned, hoping he would just walk away.  "I'm warning you-," Draco said to Ron, but was cut off when Professor Snape walked inside the classroom. 

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