Chapter 18

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Leila's POV:

The next morning I woke up in his arms...and no, not the arms I fell asleep in.  I turned to see Cedric fast asleep, facing the opposite direction from me.  

My heart began racing for a second before realizing who it was that was holding me.  It was Fred.  Since he was sleeping on the other side of me I guess I must've rolled over to him in the middle of the night. 

I looked up at Fred and realized he was awake, mouthing something to George who wasn't too far away.  "Hey," I mumbled, breaking free of his grip.  

"Good sleep?" He asked with a grin.  "I suppose.  When did I roll over to your side?" I asked as I sat up and stretched.  "Pretty much as soon as Cedric over there pushed you must not have remembered you were half asleep," Fred explained. 

I nodded and smiled at him.  I was also a bit surprised Cedric would push me away.  He was, after all, the one who initiated the cuddling last night. 

*The next day*

Sirius Black was still no where to be found.  Luckily, Professor Dumbledore announced that he couldn't keep us in the Great Hall all year, so we were able to go about our business as usual. 

"Leila!" Hermione yelled, calling me over after our Potions class ended.  "What's up guys?" I asked as Hermione walked up to me with Harry and Ron by her side.  "Your Dad...he-he just got Buckbeak sentenced to death," Hermione cried.  Ron wrapped his arm around her gently as she did, and I looked at them in shock. 

"Just...let me handle it," I said before I rushed off to find my brother. 

"Oi!  Idiot!" I yelled once I spotted the blonde-haired rat.  He turned as soon as I shouted for him.  

"You've gotten Buckbeak sentenced to death are you serious?" I screamed.  "Look at what the thing did to me," Draco yelled back, flashing his arm that was held up by a sling.  "Draco your arm is perfectly fine and we both know that...Madame Pompfrey can fix any broken bone," I yelled, my blood boiling with anger.  

"Well clearly she's not very good at her job because my arm is still in serious pain," Draco laughed as if what he was doing to Buckbeak amused him. 

I took one look at his arm and drove my fist through it.  He winced loudly.  "Leila!" He yelled, clutching his arm in pain.  "Shove it," I yelled over my shoulder as I made my way to Professor Dumbledore's office. 

"Professor Dumbledore, sir, there's got to be something you can do about brother is a--" I began as I stepped inside the office.  I immediately shut my mouth when I realized who Dumbledore was speaking with. 

"Your brother is a what Leila?" my father asked. 

"He's a fake.  His arm is fine," I said as calmly as I could. 

"Dad, you'll never believe it Leila just punched-" Draco's voice yelled as he ran into Dumbledore's office. 

"It seems my office has become a family reunion," Dumbledore laughed, glancing at each of us with curiosity. 

"Professor, please, Buckbeak didn't do anything wrong.  Draco approached him without doing what Hagrid taught us," I explained. 

"I'm sorry Leila but the board has already made their decision," Dumbledore explained, pointing to my father. 

I huffed, and stormed out of the office. 

"So you punched him and then tattled on your own brother to Dumbledore?" Ron laughed as we ate lunch.  I nodded and continued to ignore the food on my plate.  

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