Chapter 27

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Author's Note: Hey everyone...I'm so sorry for not updating recently.  I've been so lazy it's unbelievable LOL..hope  you enjoy this chapter 

Leila's POV: 

After watching my brother squirm his way back into the castle...and as far away from Professor Moody as he could, Harry was pulled away from me. I watched as Moody grabbed the scruff of his shirt and lead him inside towards his office. 

"You alright Ley?" Fred asked from behind me.  I turned and smiled up at him. 

"Yea," I replied. 

"Malfoy was about to hex both of you," Fred answered, worry etching his face. 

"I'm alright Freddie...promise," I replied.  

The first task was upon us in no time.  I spent my waking hours comforting Cedric and researching the best ways to distract a dragon that he could use in the tournament.  We found a spell that could transfigure an object into a golden retriever.  

After much practice, Cedric was finally able to do the spell correctly, and the dog pranced around the room. 

"It'll be the perfect distraction," I assured him.  

"Thanks Leila," he said before kissing me on the forehead. 

The next morning I wandered down to the stands with Fred and George by my side.  Hermione and Ron were meant to meet us there, but I haven't seen either of them all morning. 

We took our seats not far from where Draco was sitting.  He gave me a dirty look when I caught his eye.  I lifted my hand and flipped him off. 

"Welcome to the first task of the Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore's voice roared.  The crowd erupted into loud cheers.  As excited as I was to see everyone compete, I was also nervous for Cedric.  What if he got hurt?  Dumbledore specifically told me not to tell Cedric of my healing powers, but what if Madam Pompfrey doesn't get to him in time?  I'd have to help him. 

The sound of a canon immediately pulls me away from my thoughts, scaring the shit out of me. 

Cedric walks out into the arena the same time as the dragon.  

"That's a Swedish Short-Snout," George yells in my ear over the sound of the crowd cheering.  

I stand up on the bleachers behind me so I can get a better look at the massive animal walking towards Cedric.  It growls, allowing a bit of fire to escape it's mouth. 

I wince as the flame nearly misses Cedric's arm.  He dives out of the way just in time and pulls out his wand. 

Although I can't hear him from all the way in the stands, I know he's casting the spell to transfigure a rock into a dog.  

I close my eyes, praying to Merlin it works.  

"Hey're about to tear a hole in my shirt," Fred whispers now that the crowd has silenced.  

I open my eyes and realize I've been squeezing Fred's arm so tightly, his shirt has begun to stretch and warp. 

"Right...I'm sorry," I say, letting go of the sleeve and smoothing it out. 

Just before I was about to turn back to face where Cedric was, I heard a bark then a dragon's growl.  

Everyone erupted into cheers as Cedric ran towards what the dragon was protecting...a golden egg.  

"Uh oh," I heard George say to no one in particular.  I followed his line of sight and saw that the dog had run out of the arena; and the dragon's attention was back on Cedric as he hoisted the egg in the air, claiming victory. 

"CEDRIC!" I screamed just as the stadium went quiet.  He caught my eye, but it was too late.  The dragon was right behind him, using it's paw to send him flying across the arena. 

I squeezed my eyes shut before he landed on the ground, and Fred's hand seemed to have found mine.  

I was still standing on the bleachers and had the perfect view of what was going on down below, but I couldn't do it.  

"I can't watch," I told Fred as I buried my head in the nape of his neck.  "It's alright, he's still got the egg and the dragon is being backed into the door it came from," he assured me. 

Fred's grip tightened on my hand, like he didn't want to let go. 

Fred's POV: 

I didn't want to let go of her hand.  Of course I didn't.  I'm in love with her. 

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