Chapter 15

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Leila's POV: 

I felt really good after walking away from my parents with Draco.  It wasn't Draco's fault that Crabbe attacked me.  

*A week later* 

It's been a little more than a week since Crabbe was expelled and everything went down.  Things have been fine.  Draco and I are actually closer than ever, so I guess you could say something good did come out of this whole thing.  Although I haven't had much of a chance to hang out with Cedric yet, Draco's been so nice to me. 

"That's it.  Come on, now.  Come closer," Hagrid said as the entire class filled the empty clearing of the Forbidden Forest.  It was our first Care of Magical Creatures lesson, and it was every third year in the school, so it was packed. 

"I got a real treat for you today.  A great lesson, so follow me," Hagrid shouted.  I looked at Harry and Ron nervously.  Of course, we loved Hagrid, but we were nervous for him.  He's never been the most organized. 

"Open your books to page 49," he instructed.  I looked at the book in my hands.  The monster book snarled at me.  I had tied mine in one of Draco's belts.  He did the same when we got the books in Diagon Alley over the summer. 

"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco spat, lifting up his book.  "Just stroke the spine, of course," Hagrid replied as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. 

We all followed Hagrid's instructions and stroked the spine of our textbooks. 

"I think they're funny," Hermione said to Harry, Ron and I.  Of course, my brother felt the need to chime in. 

"Oh, yeah.  Terribly funny.  Witty.  God, this place had gone to the dogs.  Wait until Father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes," Draco spat.  He didn't dare look me in the eye, but he knew I was there ready to fight with him if need-be. 

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry spat, stepping up to my brother.  

"Dementor! Dementor!" Draco screamed.  We all turned around only to see that nothing was there.  When we turned back around, Draco caught my eye.  I threw him a nasty look, especially since he knew how Dementors affected me. 

"Just ignore him," I said to my friends, before turning around to hear Hagrid's lesson. 

"Da da da da! Isn't he beautiful!" Hagrid exclaimed.  He stepped aside to reveal a gigantic Hippogriff.  

"First thing you wanna know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures.  Very easily offended.  You do not want to insult a hippogriff.  It may be the last thing you ever do.  Now, who'd like to come and say hello?" Hagrid explained.  

The entire class including myself took a step back.  Harry didn't realize this and it seemed to Hagrid was he was volunteering.  

"Well done Harry, well done!" Hagrid beamed. 

Harry stepped up to Buckbeak, maintained eye contact, and bowed.  At this point, we all applauded when Buckbeak bowed back at Harry. 

When Hagrid saw this, he lifted Harry up onto the creature and it took flight. 

Harry returned five minutes later, still looking quite shocked that Hagrid would place him on this giant creature in the first place. 

We all applauded Harry when he returned safely to the ground. 

"Yes you're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute!" my brother's voice rang out.  Before I realized what was happening, Buckbeak had attacked my brother.  I ran up to him.  

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