Chapter 9

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Fred's POV:

Walking out of the Great Hall towards the library, I wasn't excited about my potions homework...but I wanted to get it out of the way.  Snape pulled ten points from Gryffindor because I interrupted his class by sneezing...I wanted to get this homework out of the way so he didn't have any more reasons to torture me. 

As I turned the corner, I stopped.  Immediately, my books slipped out of my hands and fell to the ground.  Leila and Hermione were laying there...petrified.  "Help! Someone help!" I screamed.  Within seconds, Professor McGonagall came rushing out of no where.  "Oh dear," she sighed, examining my two friends who were as hard as stone. 

"Fred would you please run and get Professor Dumbledore," McGonagall asked.  

I ran off, not exactly sure where I would be able to find Dumbledore.  

Sure enough, it didn't take long...almost as if he knew someone was looking for him.  "It's Leila...and Hermione," I panted.  "Lead the way," Dumbledore said calmly, swiftly following me as I walked.  

"I shall notify both of their parents...Lucius will be furious," Dumbledore muttered under his breath.  He was right...Leila's father would surely get Dumbledore kicked out for this. 

Draco's POV:

Crabbe, Goyle and I finally shoved our way to the front of the stands.  The Quidditch game Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw was about to start...and I was ready to see Gryffindor lose.  

"This match has been cancelled.  All students follow their prefects back to the dormitories.  Will Mr Draco Malfoy please go to Professor Snape.  He is waiting by the entrance of the castle," Lee Jordan's voice boomed over the loud speaker.  I looked down from the stands and towards the castle, utterly confused.  Why would the match be cancelled...and why does Snape need me? 

About ten more minutes of pushing and shoving my fellow classmates, I found Professor Snape exactly where Lee said he would be.  "Mr Malfoy please come with me," Snape sneered. 

"What's this about?" I asked as I tried to catch up with him.  "Your sister," he muttered, clearly unsure if he should tell me or not.  "What about her?" I asked, growing impatient. 

Before he answered, I realized where we were...the hospital wing.  Without another word, I pushed through the doors and saw Ley...completely still.  Her hands were shielding her eyes, but her eyes were actually opened.  "What happened?" I asked as my heart began pounding.  Was she going to be okay? 

"She's been petrified," Madame Pompfrey explained as she rushed around the infirmary, tending to another familiar face...Granger. 

I looked at Granger and realized that Potter and Weasel-b were already sitting next to her.  They both looked at worried as I did. 

"You're parents have been informed.  She will be alright," Madame Pompfrey explained as I sat on the bed next to my sister. 

I took her hand, noting how icy cold they already were.  Without thinking about who was watching me, I pulled the blanket over Leila and began talking to her.  "It's gonna be alright...if you can hear's your brother," I said quietly. 

"Where is she!" a loud voice boomed from the hall.  "Dumbledore you will be sent to Azkaban!  Mark my words!" my father screamed as him and my mother marched into the hospital wing.  

"Oh my sweet girl!" my mother shrieked when she saw Leila.  "She knew...she was shielding her eyes," my mother whispered more to herself than anyone.  

Immediately, as Dumbledore and my father were arguing, my mother drew up a fresh vase of flowers with her wand, as well as added another blanket. 

"She will be perfectly fine.   Professor Sprout is growing the mandrakes as we speak," Dumbledore replied, clearly unbothered by my father's threats to send him to Azkaban. 

"Perfectly fine?  She's turned to stone!" my father yelled, causing my mother to weep even more.  

For the first time in my life I felt invisible.  It was almost as if I was watching the scene from below...and no one had any idea I was even in the room. 

About an hour later, my mother finally realized I had been sitting there.  "Your classes are good?" she asked as she gently pat Leila's arm.  "Yea...I've got tons of homework though," I replied as I sunk into the chair.  "Well go do it then.  When your father and I leave I want you to come visit her everyday...understand?" my mother ordered.  I nodded, kissed her cheek and left the hospital wing. 

I was halfway to my dormitory when I realized I left my bag at the hospital wing.  

When I finally got back to the hospital wing, I heard my parents from outside the door...arguing.   "You promised me Lucius!  You promised me her and Draco would be safe!" my mother whisper-yelled.  "You saw who she was found with...that's no surprise this happened," my father hissed.  

I pressed my ear to the door, praying to hear more of their conversation.  "How dare you!  You promised me she was going to be safe.  If you don't get that diary back and call it off...then I will," my mother snapped.  "Absolutely not...he'd kill us if we called off his plan...Leila will be fine in a few months...and we will be glorified for helping him regain power," my father snapped back.  

*A few months later* (end of the school year)

Leila's POV:

I woke up in the hospital wing.  It took a second for me to remember what exactly happened to me.  I was attacked...petrified.  

I slowly sat up and saw that, across the hospital wing from me, Hermione was just waking up as well.  "Girls!  It is so good to finally have you up!" Madame Pompfrey exclaimed as she hugged Hermione and I. 

"How long has it been?" Hermione asked as she stood up from her bed.  "Few months.  It's May.  But the mandrakes were finally ready this morning," she replied happily. 

"The End of the Year Feast is happening right now...I suggest you both go and eat...and see your friends," she added. 

"Oh my god," Hermione muttered as we both walked down to the Great Hall together.  "Tell me about it," I replied, knowing exactly what she was thinking. 

As we stepped into the Great Hall, all eyes fell on us.  I watched Hermione run off to hug Harry and Ron, and suddenly felt embarrassed I had no one to run to. 

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me.  "You scared the ever-living shit out of me," my brother whispered in my ear.  Turns out, he had visited me everyday and missed me like crazy.  "I'm okay," I said as I hugged him back.  "I'm sorry...about everything," he whispered back.  "I'm sorry too...for spitting on your face,"  I laughed.  He laughed too, and once our hug broke, we split up to sit with our own tables.

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