Chapter 28

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HEY GUYS IM BACK! I've missed you all so much and I'm sorry about the few month delay xoxo
Leila's POV:
I squinted my eyes, afraid of what I might see. Fred still had the death grip on my hand, and I wriggled to break free.
I watched as Cedric was rushed to by healers, golden egg still in hand.
"Cedric Diggory receives forty-seven points for his successful transfiguration charm," the microphone boomed. The crowd erupted into cheers as he stood up in the center of the arena and waved with one hand. His other was clearly broken and being held up by a temporary sling until he could get to the hospital wing.

"Looks like your boyfriend is gonna be alright," shouted Draco from two rows behind me. I turn around and looked up at my twin, flipping him off in the process.

"Up next we have our champion from Durmstrang, Victor Krum.."

Fourth Year, December

"The yule ball has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost...a dance." Professor McGonagall futzed with the old record player as the boys groaned. 

She had stopped in the middle of our Transfiguration class to explain this all to us. 

I was excited. I've never been to a dance before, and Cho beside me grabbed my arm in excitement. Despite Cho and I supposedly being best friends, what happened on Halloween (where she disappeared all night and was probably with Cedric) still bothered me. I wriggled from her grip and caught the eyes of Fred and George from across the room. They were staring at me, making funny faces to make me giggle. 

"Silence," McGonagall said in my direction. I shot the boys an annoyed look as she continued, "Now to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight." I rolled my eyes and tried my best to hold in my laughter. 

"Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley will you join me?" McGonagall asked. She didn't wait for his response, just grabbed his arm and pulled him to the middle of the room. 

"Now place your hand on my waist," she said. 
"Where?" Ron asked, looking horrified. At this point, I was biting the inside of my cheek so hard to keep from laughing. 

Across the room I could spot Fred and George's faces as McGonagall and their little brother began to dance. 

"Everyone come together." 

All of the girls stood up at once, including me because Cho had grabbed my hand once again and was dragging me to the center of the room in order to find a dancing partner. 

I caught the eye of Harry, but before he could make his way over to Cho and I, Fred swooped in and grabbed me. His hand laid naturally on my waist, and mine on his shoulder. 

"Just so you know, I'm a very good dancer," Fred whispered as he started to following McGonagall's dancing instructions. 

"I bet you are...did Mrs. Weasley teach you?" I asked with a giggle. 

"As a matter of fact, yea she did," he grinned. 

"Who are you going to ask to this thing? Obviously Cedric will ask me, but maybe we can share a table at the dance," I asked Fred. As if on cue, his mood changed significantly.  
His grip tightened on my waist as his face grew red. 

"I need the loo," he muttered quickly before leaving the transfiguration classroom entirely. I was left standing by myself as everyone waltzed around me. 

December 17th

It was a week before the Yule Ball and even Harry had a date. I wasn't sure what was taking Cedric so long to ask me. 

December 18th 

He finally asked me out. I was rather disappointed in the way he did it. We were in the library studying and he said, "Oh yea almost forgot...will you go to the ball with me?"  

Obviously not the most romantic way to be asked to my first dance, but I said yes non-the-less. After all, I had already chosen a dress with Cho and Luna. Mine was a navy gown with a slit up my right leg. It was simple, but still very pretty. 

December 24th

The Yule Ball was tonight, and I'm getting more and more excited as the hours pass. I started to get ready around 4pm, and the ball starts at 7pm. I started with my hair, curling it then pinning it up in places I thought would look nice.  A third year girl named Olivia, who wasn't attending the ball, helped do my makeup as well. 

By 6pm I was ready to put my dress and shoes on. I was very happy with the way I looked, and I hoped Cedric would like it as well. He's been off lately. 

At 7pm exactly Cedric came to get me from the Ravenclaw common room. 

He eyed me up and down before saying how beautiful I looked. I blushed and grabbed his hand as we walked towards the great hall. 

As a champion, Cedric was supposed to begin the ball with the other two (well, in this case, three) champions. We waited around with Professor McGonagall until the great hall was filled, and all of the champions and dates had arrived. 

"She looks beautiful," I heard Harry's date say behind me. I turned around to see who they were speaking about. 

"Yea she does," Harry said out-loud. When I looked up, Hermione was floating down the stairs like a princess. She was absolutely beaming with excited as she met us at the bottom of the stairs. 
"I think I may vomit," she whispered as she passed. 
I gave her hand a quick squeeze before Victor Krum kissed it and lined up in front of Cedric and I. 

The four champions and their dates waited just a few more minutes, and then the sound of music filled the air. 

We all walked into the great hall, smiling at everyone around us. I spotted Fred and George right away in the crowd. George smiled and waved, but Fred scowled and would not look my way. 

We set off the ball with a simple waltz. Cedric and I were luckily coordinated, having only practiced a few times before this. Harry and his date, Pavarti, were not as lucky. She kept stepped on his feet, and he moved awkwardly around the room. 

Luckily, the dance was over before we knew it and the real fun began...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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