Heavens Arena

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Luna POV

After being kicked out of the Zoldyck estate I wasn't really sure what I should do. I decided to try to find out somewhere I could make money so I can at least find a place to stay. It didn't take long to find out about heavens arena so I decided that's where I'd go.

When I got there the lines were so long and boring. I tried making friends but everyone there was so serious. Luckily the fights were super easy and it didn't take long to reach the 200th floor.

As I was about to walk into my room I noticed a familiar outfit that had caught my eye. I ran after what I saw and eventually caught up to confirm it was none other than Hisoka.

"Hiso-Chan!!!" I squeaked

He turned around clearly shocked until he saw me. He immediately grinned ear to ear and bent down to give me a hug.

"I knew you'd find me my little Ace" he chimed

"I'm so glad I found you!!"

"If you don't mind me asking tho, why are you here. Last I heard from Illumi, Zeno planned to continue to train you for at least another year. Is this part of your training or something" he questioned

"Oh u still talk to Illumi huh? Well I guess there's no point in lying then" I shrugged as I lead him to my room.

Once we were there I motioned for him to sit down as I also got comfortable.

"Well you see Hisoka, long story short I was raised by these people called 'The Anderson'. They are a very well known band of criminals that I guess even the Zoldycks are afraid of so since I ran away from the Andersons I guess they just didn't feel safe having me around" I explained.

At this point I expected a similar reaction from Hisoka that I got from Zeno and Silva, but that is definitely not what I got.

" You were raised by the andersons? How interesting. I happen to know all about them, actually, I'm quite a fan" Hisoka gushed.

"Your a what?! A fan of those monsters?? A fan of such despicably disgusting people?" I scoffed

"What ever do you mean? Their nothing worse than your beloved Zolydcks no? The only thing special about them is their unique nen abilities am I wrong?" He questioned

"Definitely. That's why I ran away. I don't want to really get into it but just know I would rather die on the spot then let them find me and bring me back with them" I finished

Hisoka seemed to think about this for awhile before deciding to speak up.

"As long as your with me my little ace I won't let them take you. I'll protect you" he smiled at me resting his head in his hands.

"What if they're too strong?" I asked

"Then I'll be sure to kill you quick" Hisoka chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and kicked him out of the room. Then I got ready for bed. I wondered if I could really count on Hisoka to protect me from them or if I was just putting another innocent life at risk.

The next day I started training with Hisoka to get ready for my upcoming fight. He explained to me that at this level everyone already knows nen so the fights aren't gonna be as easy anymore.

"You see, the most important part of a fight is keeping your composure. If you don't have a level head then you'll start to become impulsive and probably lose" Hisoka hummed. "Come at me again if you dare"

I ran toward him once again but this time instead of a front attack I jumped as high as I could, dodging Hisoka's arm that came out to grab me. Instead I grabbed his arm and with all my strength pulled back as hard as I could as I landed behind him. I heard a loud pop as his arm went limp. I immediately let go in horror.

"Oh my are you ok? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. I ju-" I started but before I could finish Hisoka kicked me in the face and I went flying across the forest and hit a tree.

My vision was clouded with pain and my whole body ached. I saw Hisoka walk up chuckling to himself before he leaned down close to my ear.

"You have grown so much my little ace. You dislocated my shoulder today you should be proud" he gushed. He then picked me up by my hair as I winced in pain. "Raised by the Andersons u claim? You would think they would teach you to finish your fight before letting your guard down" he finished his tone getting more serious. Then he threw my limp body to the ground and walked away.

I sat in my bed later on wrapped up in bandages. Hisoka had broken two of my ribs today. But I could t help but be grateful to him. The only way I was going to get better was is if people stopped treating me like a baby.

My head shot over to the door as I heard the knob turn a bit. I prayed they hadn't found me. Not yet when I was still too weak to fight. But relief flooded me when I saw Hisoka's colored hair and pale skin. Not long after Illumi walked in after him causing me stress again.

"Are you here on a job Illumi" I asked face plain, hiding the anxiety that crept inside me. Being completely helpless until I healed, I couldn't even make a decent run for it.

On Illumi's face you could see the hint of a smile before nothing again. "No. I came to get answers from you." He said flatly.

"Go on"

"I heard who you were raised by. Why would people as powerful and dangerous as them decide to raise a random baby?" Illumi questioned

"My parents died when I was young and the Andersons were friends with them so they decided to take me in." I answered

"Friends? FRIENDS?!" Illumi couldn't contain himself and started laughing this horrid laugh. " why are you lying to me" he finished getting deadly serious. I felt his bloodlust start to leak from his body.

"I'm not lying" I said trying to hide all my emotions and stay calm. I looked over and watched as Hisoka quietly observed from a corner of the room. I wondered if he would protect me against Illumi.

Illumi started to walk closer to my bed and I began to fidget. He roughly grabbed me by my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. He stared at me for a long time before he reached into his pocket and dug out one of his needles.

As he leaned in to stick me with his needle I kicked him in the face and scrambled to get out of the bed. At this point Hisoka was in his feet, tho it wasn't clear whose side he was on. I prepared to fight, but suddenly Illumi just left out the window. I sighed a breath of relief but suddenly all around me went black and I think I remember hitting the floor.

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