Chapter Six: The Nagual and the Mercenary

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"Yeah. We've found him.. The trail leads us here.. Only we have to travel a little farther" Scott tells Stiles over the phone. Stiles sighs and slowly sits down on the couch and rubs his temples.

"How much farther?" Stiles asks a little unsure as to why anyone would even bring Derek to mexico.

"La iglesia" Scott states and Stiles blinks a few times. Not that Scott can see him.

"What the fuck is La iglesia?" Stiles asks now even more worried. The place sounds bad like one of those ghost towns in an old western movie.
"it's home of the nagual.. Were cougar.. Or something.. " Scott trailed off as another deep female voice cuts him off "were jaguar" The girl states and Scott just rolls his eyes at her. "Were-jaguar" Scott tells his friend. Stiles sighs.

"Sure. Why not. We have every other supernatural creature... But you've found him.. Good.. And you all are okay?" Stiles asks. A wave of relief hitting him. Just because they haven't seen a visual of Derek isn't stopping Stiles from holding onto the hope of him being there.
"We're fine, Man.. Stop worrying. I'll call you back as soon as we find him." Scott states and before Stiles has a chance to day anything eles- And boy would he- Scott hangs up. Stiles sighs and sets his phone down on the night stand and lays back on his bed. His mind racing. He hopes things go smoothly. And this battle will be easy going.

"So you want to tell me who exactly the nagual is?" Scott asks the mystery girl. She just smirks and crosses her arms after getting off of her motorcycle to approach the pack of teens.

"Why? Is it inportant?" She asks then tilts her head to the side raising an eyebrow pursing her lips outward. Nina growls.

"Better yet, who the hell are you?" Nina snaps. She's impatient and doesn't like when people play games. Especially strangers.

"Her name is Braeden. She's a mercenary" Scott informs Nina. Braeden smirks.

"So she's an assassin.. How cute. How many of us have you killed for money?" Nina asks. Venom lacing her voice. Braeden smirks.

"Oh ya know.. Too many to keep count.. But what can I say. A girls gotta eat" Braeden states and walks back to her motorcycle.

"Why are you hear? You're just helping us for what? We don't have money!" Nina states again. Her mood is livid. Braeden chuckles.

"Of course I'm not helping you just to help. I am working with the calaveras to find Kate. The nagual" Braeden states with a wink toward Nina. And Nina just scowls. Scott furrows his brows in confusion.

"Kate?... Kate who?" Scott asks but his mind starts racing.


"Can you get changed by a scratch?"  Kate asks her brother Chris. Chris nods and looks around the lacrosse field.

"If the scratch goes deep enough. Yes" Christ states.

*end of flashback *

Scotts eyes get wide as he remembers that. On top of hearing Braeden faint "Kate Argent" he shakes his head and frowns.

"Kate took Derek!" Scott states the obvious now. Isaac growls lowly and looks at Nina.

"Take us. Now" Isaac demands and Braeden smirks looking over Isaac. She nods and starts leading the way as the others pile in the car. This should be interesting.

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