15: Birthday Palooza (Part 1)

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Stiles smiles at his 7 year old and he strokes her curly mess of piggy tails. She smiles st him and she places her hands on his cheeks as she sees that he's getting emotional.

"Mama.. What's wrong?" She asks softly and Stiles just chuckles. He shakes his head and he swallows the lump in his throat biting back the tears that are threatening to fall from his eyes.

"You're just growing up on me.. Right before my eyes baby.. " Stiles states softly causing Thalia to frown

"But I'll always be your little princess right?" Thalia asks feeling slightly confused. Stiles nods his head rapidly and he embraces his daughter.

"Of course, baby.. Always. You'll always be my princess." Stiles whispers against her cheek before he kisses the same spot.

"And you'll always be mine as well" Derek says from the door way. Thalia pulls away from Stiles and smiles bright at her dad.

"Daddy!!" She squeals and runs to him climbing up his body to swing from his back like she always does causing Derek to chuckle.

"Daddy! Guess what? I am 7 and my party is in 3 hours!" Thalia squeaks and Derek smirks.

"I know, babe. And your mama and I promise that this will be the best party ever!" Derek says in his most softest time that Stiles just loves. Thalia cheers and it causes Dj to jump in his walker and to make a small noise of disapproval which makes Derek and Stiles both snicker in amusement at their children. Stiles walks over to his son and bends down picking him up and resting him on his hip. He looks over at his mate and Thalia and he sighs.

"Alright. Derek, take princess in the other room and finish the minor decor. I have to get myself and the baby ready" Stiles states laying Dj on the bed before starting to strip him of his clothes. Derek nods already half way out of the bedroom with their daughter.

"You got it, babe." He mutters.

By the time Stiles is done with getting himself and Dj ready, Derek and Thalia are finished with the decorations. Stiles smiles bright as he walks out onto the deck nodding his head at the decor.

"Wow..." He trails off handing Dj to Derek before continuing his sentence.

"You two did a great job.. " he adds on rubbing Derek's arm. Derek smirks.

"Of course, stilinski.. It's one of our many talents.. The Hales throw great parties." Derek Sasses causing Thalia to snicker but agree with her nodding and thumbs up. Stiles just shakes his head.

"I believe it. I believe it. Now before we do anything else, I have to set out the meats and season them. Erica and Nina should be here soon with more food and gifts. " Stiles murmurs whilst walking inside to tend to the meat. So far. This day is going great. And he hopes it continues to be great, for his daughters sake, and for his families sake.

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