Chapter four: Back to the grave

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Stiles' heart is beating uncontrollably fast. His mind is racing and he feels his anxiety kicking in. He looks over at Thalia who is playing with her toys. Unaware of the situation that's at hand. He walks to the kitchen and he grabs his bottle of aderal that he hasn't used in years and he pops two. He shakes his head and he runs one hand swiftly through his quiff.

"Where could he be?.." He murmurs to himself softly. A low husky chuckle slides through his ears causing Stiles' head to snap around in that direction. He gasps and brings his hand to his face and scowls. "Where could who be?" The husky voice asks and Stiles frowns harder. Easing his hand behind his back slowly gripping the large carving knife on the counter.

"Peter... What did you do?!" Stiles snaps. In another tone demanding an answer. Peter chuckles.

"I've done nothing.. So far... Nephews not home?" Peter murmurs. His eyes traveling around the kitchen then lands on Stiles and he clicks his tongue against his teeth.

"Better drop that knife boy.. Before someone gets hurt.." Peter states with a low growl. Suddenly he's knocked against the back door. His head hitting the wood hard and another loud growl rings through the house. Stiles looks at Erica and is quickly filled with relief. Erica snarls.

"Get up. And get. Out before you end up back in your grave!" Erica demands. Nina not far behind her growling. Peter smirks and slowly stands and puts his hands in the air in mock surrender.

"Ta ta for now kittens.." Peter says deviously and leaves quickly. Erica looks at Stiles who is holding his head in frustration and confusion. How is Peter alive? How is Erica alive?.. Where is Derek?.. Stiles looks up at Erica and he sighs before stating..

"We have a problem.."


"What do you mean he's gone?" Scott asks already ready to go find his Alpha. Stiles shrugs and sits down his hands rubbing his knees in a nervous way.

"I mean he's gone. Missing. I went to the loft. His car was there. His jacket.. Everything was how I left it yesterday.. When I last seen him.." Stiles states while trailing off. Erica sits next to him and rubs his arms.

"When he didn't come home last night around the time he usually gets in.. I called.. There was no answer.. I tried over and over.. No answer.. So I went to the loft.. Nothing.." Stiles continues. Earning small whimpers from the three betas in the room. Never once can they catch a break. Something always has to happen. Scott stands and starts pacing.

"Well. We have to do something. We have to start searching... Any clue.. And scent.. Might help us.." Scott states and sighs heavily. Stiles shakes his head.

"Scott.. I'm not done.. There's something else you need to know.." Stiles states. Nothing but seriousness lacing his voice. Scott stops pacing and looks at his friend already knowing what's about to come out of Stiles' mouth will not be good. Scott nods.

"Okay... Tell me.." Scott states and sits back down slowly. Stiles shares a look with Nina and Erica and groans lowly.

"Peters alive."

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