Chapter Five: The Search

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"PETER IS WHAT?" Scott asks in a huff. He is now on his feet glaring at everyone. Not because he's angry at them. But because he's confused and angry at the situation. Stiles sighs and runs a hand through his quiff. He stands and rests a hand on Scotts shoulder. "Relax. Let's talk about options.. first things first, we need to get Derek back..." Stiles states and trails off as he sees Thalia staring at him Blankly from the door way that leads to the hallway where their bedrooms are. "Thalia.." Stiles says softly. The look on his daughters face signaling she has overheard everything. She shakes her head, her curls just flowing. She turns on her tiny heels and runs back to her room. Stiles sighs and face palms. "I was hoping to find Derek without her knowing.. she's been through enough and she's only 6." Stiles states. His voice strained and saddened. Erica stands and crosses her arms "We'll start the search tonight.. any idea where to start looking?" She asks. Stiles shakes his head and shrugs. Scott rubs his chin and he looks at his two friends "We should start at the loft.. catch any scent we can then track from there.. But who would want to take Derek?.. are we sure it wasn't Peter?" Scott asks. Stiles shakes his head.

"It wasn't him.. He had this look.. like.. he knew who did it. But it wasn't him.. you know how twisted and cryptic he is" Stiles states. Erica nods and Scott bites at his bottom lip. "Well we're splitting up. Nina.. you come with me. Erica stay with Stiles for protection and to help with Thalia" Ninas quick to obey the beta for some odd reason. But she shakes that off and nods her head. Erica rubs Stiles' back in a soothing way as Scott and Nina head off to the loft.

Stiles looks at Erica and Erica rubs her face "When will we ever catch a break?" Stiles grunts out. Erica shrugs and sits back down on the love seat. "Probably when we're all dead.. or if we move out of this town leaving it behind us.." Erica says softly. Stiles looks at her and chuckles sadly. He's sick and tired. Sick and tired of every bad thing that keeps happening. "You're right.. We have to leave this town.. I Can't raise my children here.. it's too much." He states and Erica nods. Erica looks back towards the hallway and her gaze returns to Stiles' "Speaking of children, you should go talk to Thalia.. try to explain it to her ad best as you can.." Erica suggests. Stiles nods and crosses his arm. His gaze focused on his daughters door. "Yeah.. She deserves to know.. she's alot smarter than what we all think.." Stiles states and walks to his daughters room. He knocks and within seconds the door is open and he's staring down at his daughter who's staring back up at him with a frown.

"Hey, Princess.. can I talk to you for a moment?" He asks and flashes her a smile. She hesitate but nods. He walks in her room and he sits on her bed. He opens hid arms for her and she gladly climbs into his lap. He sighs and strokes her curls then starts explaining about the situation.

As he tells the story Thalias eyes fill with worry. Stiles finishes, leaving out the horrific parts and kisses her head. "But it will be okay.. no one will hurt you ever again.. I promise.." Stiles states and holds his daughters hand to his heart in a closed fist. "Your daddy and I will protect you always.. along with our pack.. you and Dj are safe.." he reassures her. She nods and touches her mamas face "Is uncle Scott gonna find daddy.." She asks. Her voice small. Stiles gives her a smile and strokes his child's hair once again.

"Yes. He's out searching right now." Stiles states. Thalia sighs.

"Promise?" Thalia murmurs. Stiles chuckles.

"Yes, Lia. I promise"

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